
时间:2018-11-12 16:59:55

标签: r ggplot2

(对我来说)很奇怪,下面的代码取决于/* Build binns */ %let var_list = MSRP Invoice; %macro group_var_in_bins(source_table); data WITH_BINNS; set &source_table.; run; %let loop_count = %sysfunc(countw(&var_list)); %do i=1 %to &loop_count.; * list of variables to use; %let variable = %scan(&var_list, &i); %let rank_column = &variable._bins_rank; proc rank data=WITH_BINNS out=WITH_BINNS groups=10 ties=low; var &variable.; ranks &rank_column.; run; * sort the table by this variable; proc sort data=WITH_BINNS out=WITH_BINNS; by &variable.; run; * Build start and end observation of particular bin; data WITH_BINNS; set WITH_BINNS; by &rank_column.; *this is just to check if first.&rank_column works; first_&rank_column. = first.&rank_column.; last_&rank_column. = last.&rank_column.; %if first.&rank_column. = 1 %then %do; /* here %if first.&rank_column. %then %do erros so something is wrong with argument statement*/ Start_bin = &variable.; %end; %else %do; Start_bin = .; %end; %if last.&rank_column. = 1 %then %do; End_bin = &variable.; %end; %else %do; End_bin = .; %end; run; %end; * some more code which amends WITH_BINNS table; %mend group_var_in_bins; %group_var_in_bins(; 参数,从根本上改变了y轴。

accuracy = _

如果我以三种不同的方式改变library(tidyverse) mtcars %>% count(cyl) %>% mutate(prop = n / sum(n)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = cyl, y = prop)) + geom_point() + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format(accuracy = 5)) ,例如accuracy =accuracy = 5accuracy = 6,我将得到以下三个图。请注意,y轴遍布整个地图。在最坏的情况下,它会两次绘制accuracy = 10?显然应该是40%


50% accuracy5

accuracy = 5 accuracy6

accuracy = 6 accuracy10

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