import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
This is the public class
public class Process {
private String keywordAsString = "";
private String keyword = "";
// ArrayList to hold the letters of the keyword with duplicates removed.
private ArrayList<Integer> keywordAsIntsNoDup = new ArrayList<Integer>(0);
// Map for removing all duplicate letters in the keyword.
private Map<Integer, Integer> keywordLetters = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer>(0);
// ArrayList to hold all 256 ASCII characters (as integers).
private ArrayList<Integer> asciiArray = new ArrayList<Integer>(0);
// ArrayList for storing the message from the file.
ArrayList<Integer> fileMessageAsInteger = new ArrayList<Integer>(0);
// Constructor
public void process() {
public void processKeyword(String keyword) {
// Copy incoming keyword String
this.keywordAsString = keyword;
// Pass incoming keyword String to the removeDuplicate method.
// removeDuplicate will first convert the letters to Integers,
// then remove any duplicate letters.
// Store the result in the keywordAsIntsNoDup ArrayList
this.keywordAsIntsNoDup = removeDuplicates(this.keywordAsString);
// Create ArrayList and fill it with all 256 ASCII characters (as integers).
// Remove the keyword letters from the asciiArray.
for (int i=0; i<this.keywordAsIntsNoDup.size(); i++) {
Integer letterToSearchFor = this.keywordAsIntsNoDup.get(i);
if (this.asciiArray.contains(letterToSearchFor))
}// END processKeyword()
public ArrayList<Integer> removeDuplicates(String keyword) {
// Copy incoming keyword String
this.keyword = keyword;
如果有人能帮助我,我真的很感激Java真的不是小菜一碟。 //遍历keywordAsIntArray ArrayList,将关键字的每个“字母”放入地图中。 //重复的字母将被覆盖,因此地图将包含没有重复的关键字。 为(int i = 0; i
// Put the maps' key set (which holds the 'letters') into an ArrayList.
// This will make it easier to put the 'letters' into the Table later.
ArrayList<Integer> keyslist = new ArrayList<Integer>(this.keywordLetters.keySet());
System.out.println("\n" + "map.keySet() from keyslist ArrayList = " + keyslist.toString());
return keyslist;
public void createAsciiArr() {
// Use an enhanced for loop to fill the asciiArray ArrayList
// with all 256 ASCII characters as integers.
for (int i=0; i<256; i++) {
}// END createAsciiArr()
}// END class