我试图通过在Linux(Ubuntu)上使用TelloPy来控制Tello无人机。 当我要处理视频和飞行的控制时,我必须启动一个多进程任务,通过腌制传递一些参数和流引用。但是我在下面描述一个问题。
Tello: 21:54:34.226: Info: start video thread
Tello: 21:54:34.227: Info: video receive buffer size = 425984
Tello: 21:54:34.229: Info: send connection request (cmd="conn_req:9617")
Tello: 21:54:34.229: Info: state transit State::disconnected -> State::connecting
Tello: 21:54:34.277: Info: connected. (port=9617)
Tello: 21:54:34.278: Info: send_time (cmd=0x46 seq=0x01e4)
Tello: 21:54:34.278: Info: state transit State::connecting -> State::connected
Tello: 21:54:34.279: Info: get video stream
Tello: 21:54:34.280: Info: start video (cmd=0x25 seq=0x01e4)
Cannot serialize socket object
Tello: 21:54:34.280: Info: quit
Tello: 21:54:34.281: Info: state transit State::connected -> State::quit
Tello: 21:54:34.281: Info: VideoStream.handle_event(DISCONNECTED)
Tello: 21:54:34.328: Info: recv: ack: cmd=0x34 seq=0x0000 cc 60 00 27 90 34 00 00 00 00 72 a5
Tello: 21:54:34.329: Info: exit from the recv thread.
Tello: 21:54:35.228: Info: exit from the video thread.