代码块。本部分写入我的Cloud Firestore数据库。但是,它似乎并没有真正更新我的数据库。当我查看数据库时,余额不会更改,也不会将费用字段添加到保存在数据库中的分条付款对象中。我没有任何错误,也不确定如何调试它。
const functions = require('firebase-functions'); //firebase functions library
const admin = require('firebase-admin'); //firebase admin database
//initialse stripe with apikey
const stripe = require('stripe')('<stripe test key>')
//name of function is stripe charge
exports.stripeCharge = functions.database
//whenever a new payment is written to the database, the following will be invoked
//event object has the data from the node in the database which is the payment and the token
.onWrite((change, context) => {
const payment = change.after.val();
const userId = context.params.userId;
const paymentId = context.params.paymentId;
let balance = 0;
//return null if there is no payment or if payment already has a charge
if(!payment || payment.charge) return;
//now we chain a promise - this is the user in the database
//this is good for recurring charges or to save customer data in the database
return admin.database()
//once gives a single snapshot of this data
//return the snapshot value
.then(snapshot => {
return snapshop.val();
//tell stripe to charge the customer with the payment token
.then(customer => {
balance = customer.balance;
const customerChargeAmount = payment.amount;
const idempotency_key = paymentId; //prevents duplicate charges on customer cards
const source = payment.token.id;
const currency = 'gbp';
const charge = {customerChargeAmount, currency, source};
return stripe.charges.create(charge, {idempotency_key});
//wait for stripe to return the actual stripe object which tells us whether the charge succeeded
.then(charge => {
if(!charge) return;
let updates = {};
updates[`/payments/${userId}/payments/${paymentId}/charge`] = charge
balance += charge.amount;
updates[`/users/${userId}/balance`] = balance;
return true;