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<div class="panel">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-info" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapsible-13" data-parent="#myAccordion4" style="margin: 10px;">Barnmeny</button>
<div id="collapsible-13" class="collapse">
<h1 class="included">(Korv Meny)</h1>
<p class="maten">Smal<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">(Bröd 15:-) (Mos/Pommes 35:-)</h5>
<p class="maten">Tjock<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">(Bröd 25:-) (Mos/Pommes 45:-)</h5>
<p class="maten">Pommes<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">(Mellan 25:-) (Stor 35:-)</h5>
<p class="maten">Fiskpinnar (4st 35:-) (8st 50:-)<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">med potatismos & lingon</h5>
<p class="maten">Chicky Bits (5st 40:-) (10st 60:-)<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">med potatismos & lingon</h5>
<p class="maten">Köttbullar (8st 45:-) (20st 60:-)<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">med potatismos & lingon</h5>
<div class="panel">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-info" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapsible-14" data-parent="#myAccordion4" style="margin: 10px;">Salladsmeny 75:-</button>
<div id="collapsible-14" class="collapse">
<h1 class="included1">I alla salladsmenyer ingår</h1>
<h1 class="included">(sallad, tomat, gurka, bröd och dressing)
<p class="maten">Gyros<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">gyros, lök, sås</h5>
<p class="maten">Kycklingsallad<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">kyckling, ananas, salladsost, sås</h5>
<p class="maten">Kebabsallad<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">kebabkött, lök, sås</h5>
<p class="maten">Grekisk sallad<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">salladsost, oliver, paprika, lök, sås</h5>
<p class="maten">Tonfisksallad<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">tonfisk, lök, oliver, sås</h5>
<p class="maten">Amerikansk sallad<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">ost, skinka, ananas, sås</h5>
<p class="maten">Räksallad 80:-<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">räkor, ost, paprika, citron</h5>
<div class="panel">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-info" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapsible-15" data-parent="#myAccordion4" style="margin: 10px;">Pasta 75:-</button>
<div id="collapsible-15" class="collapse">
<p class="maten">Kyckling Pasta<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">med curry, isbergssallad, tomat, gurka</h5>
<p class="maten">Tonfisk Pasta<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">isbergssallad, tomat, lök, dressing</h5>
<p class="maten">Gyros Pasta<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">isbergssallad, tomat, gurka, lök, dressing</h5>
<p class="maten">Pasta Bolognese<br></p>
<h5 class="ingredienser">köttfärs, lök, sallad, tomat, gurka</h5>
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<p>Tel. nr<a href="tel:">tel.</a></p>
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<h6>Coded with <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart heart"></span> by: <span><a href="https://www.facebook.com/beni.papp" target="_blank">Bence</a></span></h6>
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* parallax.js v1.5.0 (http://pixelcog.github.io/parallax.js/)
* @copyright 2016 PixelCog, Inc.
* @license MIT (https://github.com/pixelcog/parallax.js/blob/master/LICENSE)
;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
// Polyfill for requestAnimationFrame
// via: https://gist.github.com/paulirish/1579671
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var id = window.setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); },
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// Parallax Constructor
function Parallax(element, options) {
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this.$element = $(element);
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left: 0,
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// Parallax Instance Methods
$.extend(Parallax.prototype, {
speed: 0.2,
bleed: 0,
zIndex: -100,
iosFix: true,
androidFix: true,
position: 'center',
overScrollFix: false,
mirrorContainer: 'body',
refresh: function() {
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this.offsetBaseTop = imageOffsetMin - margin / 2 | 0;
render: function() {
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this.offsetTop = this.offsetBaseTop - this.mirrorTop * (1 - this.speed);
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this.visibility = 'hidden';
transform: 'translate3d('+this.mirrorLeft+'px, '+(this.mirrorTop - overScroll)+'px, 0px)',
visibility: this.visibility,
height: this.boxHeight,
width: this.boxWidth
transform: 'translate3d('+this.offsetLeft+'px, '+this.offsetTop+'px, 0px)',
position: 'absolute',
height: this.imageHeight,
width: this.imageWidth,
maxWidth: 'none'
// Parallax Static Methods
$.extend(Parallax, {
scrollTop: 0,
scrollLeft: 0,
winHeight: 0,
winWidth: 0,
docHeight: 1 << 30,
docWidth: 1 << 30,
sliders: [],
isReady: false,
isFresh: false,
isBusy: false,
setup: function() {
if (this.isReady) return;
var self = this;
var $doc = $(document), $win = $(window);
var loadDimensions = function() {
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var loadScrollPosition = function() {
var winScrollTop = $win.scrollTop();
var scrollTopMax = Parallax.docHeight - Parallax.winHeight;
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Parallax.scrollTop = Math.max(0, Math.min(scrollTopMax, winScrollTop));
Parallax.scrollLeft = Math.max(0, Math.min(scrollLeftMax, $win.scrollLeft()));
Parallax.overScroll = Math.max(winScrollTop - scrollTopMax, Math.min(winScrollTop, 0));
$win.on('resize.px.parallax load.px.parallax', function() {
Parallax.isFresh = false;
.on('scroll.px.parallax load.px.parallax', function() {
this.isReady = true;
var lastPosition = -1;
function frameLoop() {
if (lastPosition == window.pageYOffset) { // Avoid overcalculations
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} else lastPosition = window.pageYOffset;
configure: function(options) {
if (typeof options == 'object') {
delete options.refresh;
delete options.render;
$.extend(this.prototype, options);
refresh: function() {
$.each(this.sliders, function(){ this.refresh(); });
this.isFresh = true;
render: function() {
this.isFresh || this.refresh();
$.each(this.sliders, function(){ this.render(); });
requestRender: function() {
var self = this;
self.isBusy = false;
destroy: function(el){
var i,
parallaxElement = $(el).data('px.parallax');
for(i=0; i < this.sliders.length; i+=1){
if(this.sliders[i] == parallaxElement){
this.sliders.splice(i, 1);
$(el).data('px.parallax', false);
if(this.sliders.length === 0){
$(window).off('scroll.px.parallax resize.px.parallax load.px.parallax');
this.isReady = false;
Parallax.isSetup = false;
// Parallax Plugin Definition
function Plugin(option) {
return this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var options = typeof option == 'object' && option;
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options = $.extend({}, $this.data(), options);
$this.data('px.parallax', new Parallax(this, options));
else if (typeof option == 'object')
$.extend($this.data('px.parallax'), options);
if (typeof option == 'string') {
if(option == 'destroy'){
var old = $.fn.parallax;
$.fn.parallax = Plugin;
$.fn.parallax.Constructor = Parallax;
// Parallax No Conflict
$.fn.parallax.noConflict = function () {
$.fn.parallax = old;
return this;
// Parallax Data-API
$( function () {
}(jQuery, window, document));
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