这是我正在创建的网站:http://cosc304.ok.ubc.ca/20647160/304_lab7/listprod.php http://cosc304.ok.ubc.ca/20647160/304_lab7/showcart.php
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Raph & Mishal's Grocery</title>
<h1>Search for the products you want to buy:</h1>
<form method="get" action="listprod.php">
<input type="text" name="productName" size="50">
<input type="submit" value="Submit"><input type="reset" value="Reset"> (Leave blank for all products)
/** If you're developing locally on WINDOWS, uncomment the following line **/
//include 'include\money_format_windows.php';
include 'include/db_credentials.php';
/** Get product name to search for **/
if (isset($_GET['productName'])){
$name = $_GET['productName'];
/** $name now contains the search string the user entered
Use it to build a query and print out the results. **/
/** Create and validate connection **/
global $username;
global $password;
global $database;
global $server;
global $connectionInfo;
$con = sqlsrv_connect($server, $connectionInfo);
if( $con === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));
/** Print out the ResultSet **/
$sql = "SELECT productId, productName,price FROM product";
// $preparepreparedStatement =null;
$name =null;
$name = $_GET[urlencode('productName')];
$sql = $sql ." WHERE productName LIKE ?";
$name = "%". $name. "%";
//$preparedStatement = sqlsrv_prepare($con, $sql,$pName);
$results = sqlsrv_query($con, $sql, array($name));
while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $results, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC )) {
echo( "<tr><td><a href=addcart.php?id=".$row['productId']."&name=".$row['productName']."&price=".$row['price'].">Add to Cart</h></td><td>" . $row['productName'] . "</td><td>" . $row['price'] . "</td></tr>");
sqlsrv_close( $con );
For each product create a link of the form
Note: As some product names contain special characters, you may need to encode URL parameter for product name like this: urlencode($productName)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Your Shopping Cart</title>
// include 'include/money_format_windows.php'; //Only required on windows PCs
// Get the current list of products
$productList = null;
if (isset($_SESSION['productList'])){
$productList = $_SESSION['productList'];
echo("<h1>Your Shopping Cart</h1>");
echo("<table><tr><th>Product Id</th><th>Product Name</th><th>Quantity</th>");
$total =0;
foreach ($productList as $id => $prod) {
echo("<tr><td>". $prod['id'] . "</td>");
echo("<td>" . $prod['name'] . "</td>");
echo("<td align=\"center\">". $prod['quantity'] . "</td>");
$price = $prod['price'];
echo("<td align=\"right\">".str_replace("USD","$",money_format('%i',$price))."</td>");
echo("<td align=\"right\">" . str_replace("USD","$",money_format('%i',$prod['quantity']*$price)) . "</td></tr>");
$total = $total +$prod['quantity']*$price;
echo("<tr><td colspan=\"4\" align=\"right\"><b>Order Total</b></td><td align=\"right\">".str_replace("USD","$",money_format('%i',$total))."</td></tr>");
echo("<h2><a href=\"checkout.php\">Check Out</a></h2>");
} else{
echo("<H1>Your shopping cart is empty!</H1>");
<h2><a href="listprod.php">Continue Shopping</a></h2>