何时在Ocaml AST中使用“和”运算符

时间:2018-11-09 21:12:01

标签: parsing ocaml abstract-syntax-tree




type program =
   |  Decls of typ * identifier * decls_prime

type typ =
   | INT
   | BOOL
   | VOID

type identifier = string

(* decls_prime = vdecl decls | fdecl decls *)
type declsprime =
   | Vdecl of variabledeclaration * decls
   | Fdecl of functiondeclaration * decls

(*“lparen” formals_opt “rparen” “LBRACE” vdecl_list stmt_list “RBRACE”*)
type functiondeclaration =
    | Fdecl of variabledeclarationlist * stmtlist

(*formals_opt = formal_list | epsilon *)
type FormalsOpt =
   |FormalsOpt of formallist

(* typ “ID” formal_list_prime *)
type formalList =
    | FormalList of typ * identifier * formallistprime

type formallistprime =
    | FormalListPrime of formalList

type variabledeclarationlist =
    | VdeclList of variabledeclaration * variabledeclarationlist

(*stmt stmt_list | epsilon*)
type stmtlist =
    | StmtList of stmt * stmtlist
    | StmtlistNil 

(* stmt = “RETURN” stmt_prime| expr SEMI |“LBRACE” stmt_list RBRACE| IF LPAREN expr RPAREN stmt stmt_prime_prime| FOR LPAREN expr_opt SEMI expr SEMI expr_opt RPAREN stmt| WHILE LPAREN expr RPAREN stmt*)
type Stmt
| Return of stmtprime
| Expression of expr
| StmtList of stmtlist
| IF of expr * stmt * stmtprimeprime
| FOR of expropt * expr * expropt * stmt 
| WHILE of expr * stmt

(*stmt_prime = SEMI| expr SEMI*)
type stmtprime
| Expression of expr 

(*NOELSE | ELSE stmt*)
type stmtprimeprime
| ELSE of stmt

(* Expr_opt = expr | epsilon *)
type expropt =
| Expression of expr 
| ExprNil 

type Expr

type ExprPrime

(* Actuals_opt  = actuals_list  | epsilon *)
type ActualsOpt= 
| ActualsList of actualslist 
| ActualsNil

type ActualsList = 
| ActualsList of expr * actualslistprime

(*actualslistprime = COMMA expr actuals_list_prime | epsilon*)
type actualslistprime = 
| ActualsListPrime of expr * actualslistprime
| ALPNil


type program = Program of (class_decl list)
and class_decl = Class of id * id * (var_decl list) * (method_decl list)
and method_decl = Method....

定义AST时是否需要使用“和”?而且,即使我在解析器中正确调用AST StmtList方法,使用StmtList类型而不是(stmt list)对我来说是错误的吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


PS:这与您的问题无关,但我认为使用listoption类型比为特定类型定义自己的版本(例如{ {1}},stmntlist等)。 expropt是另一种这样的情况:您可以将stmtprime定义为Return并摆脱Return of expr option类型。与stmtprime相同。