I seem to have encountered a race condition when running scripts injected into my webpage over ajax. For example I have a file that looks like this:
<div id='test_id'>I'm a div</div>
<script>$(function(){alert('Do something to #test_id')});</script>
I am loading that file using JQuery's post method and attaching it to a JQueryUI dialog. Like so:
var $dialog = $("<div id='div_dialog'></div>")
autoOpen: false,
title: 'NA',
modal: true,
width: '50%',
buttons: {some button object},
[url to get page],
function(data) {
$('#div_dialog').html('<div id="messages"></div>' + data);
The problem is that when the alert pops up, the dialog is showing on the page as expected, but it has no html in it. Then when I click away the alert the html shows as expected.
What I expect to happen, is that the html is attached, and then the script is run. This is not the case. I've tried $(document).ready()
and $(window).load()
as well as $(document).ajaxComplete()
and $(document).ajaxSuccess()
without any luck. It DOES work if I put it in a setTimeout with some millisecond delay. But thats.... wrong.
I should also mention that what I am hoping for is a solution that does not require me to change the AJAX request as I wont always have access to that file - others will be importing my created files over ajax using the pattern I specified.