
时间:2018-11-09 14:33:35

标签: ios objective-c cryptography commoncrypto

我正在解密一个视频文件,该文件非常适合小尺寸文件,但对于300mb以上的文件,则存在内存崩溃。代码如下: 我检查了开始字节值,该值上升到315mb,然后崩溃了,我的文件大小为350mb。


#define kChunkSizeBytes (1024*1024) // 1 MB

@implementation NSMutableData (Crypto)
   -(BOOL) doCrypto:(NSString *)key operation: (CCOperation) operation

    //Keeping it 32 as per our key
    char keyPtr[512 + 1]; // room for terminator (unused)
    bzero(keyPtr, sizeof(keyPtr));     // fill with zeroes (for padding)

    // Fetch key data

    if (![key getCString:keyPtr maxLength:sizeof(keyPtr) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]) {return FALSE;} // Length of 'key' is bigger than keyPtr

    CCCryptorRef cryptor;

    CCCryptorStatus cryptStatus = CCCryptorCreate(operation, kCCAlgorithmRC4, 0,
                                                  keyPtr, key.length,
                                                  NULL, // IV - needed?

    if (cryptStatus != kCCSuccess) { // Handle error here
        return FALSE;

    size_t dataOutMoved;
    size_t dataInLength = kChunkSizeBytes; // #define kChunkSizeBytes (16)
    size_t dataOutLength = CCCryptorGetOutputLength(cryptor, dataInLength, FALSE);
    size_t totalLength = 0; // Keeps track of the total length of the output buffer
    size_t filePtr = 0;   // Maintains the file pointer for the output buffer
    NSInteger startByte; // Maintains the file pointer for the input buffer

    char *dataIn = malloc(dataInLength);
    char *dataOut = malloc(dataOutLength);
    NSRange bytesRange = NSMakeRange((NSUInteger) 0, (NSUInteger) 0);

    for (startByte = 0; startByte <= [self length]; startByte += kChunkSizeBytes) {
            if ((startByte + kChunkSizeBytes) > [self length]) {
                dataInLength = [self length] - startByte;
            else {
                dataInLength = kChunkSizeBytes;

            // Get the chunk to be ciphered from the input buffer
            bytesRange = NSMakeRange((NSUInteger) startByte, (NSUInteger) dataInLength);
            [self getBytes:dataIn range:bytesRange];
            cryptStatus = CCCryptorUpdate(cryptor, dataIn, dataInLength, dataOut, dataOutLength, &dataOutMoved);

            if (startByte >= 203728200) {
            if (dataOutMoved != dataOutLength) {
                NSLog(@"dataOutMoved (%d) != dataOutLength (%d)", dataOutMoved, dataOutLength);

            if ( cryptStatus != kCCSuccess)
                NSLog(@"Failed CCCryptorUpdate: %d", cryptStatus);

            // Write the ciphered buffer into the output buffer
            bytesRange = NSMakeRange(filePtr, (NSUInteger) dataOutMoved);
            [self replaceBytesInRange:bytesRange withBytes:dataOut];
            totalLength += dataOutMoved;

            filePtr += dataOutMoved;


    // Finalize encryption/decryption.
    cryptStatus = CCCryptorFinal(cryptor, dataOut, dataOutLength, &dataOutMoved);
    totalLength += dataOutMoved;

    if ( cryptStatus != kCCSuccess)
        NSLog(@"Failed CCCryptorFinal: %d", cryptStatus);

    // In the case of encryption, expand the buffer if it required some padding (an encrypted buffer will always be a multiple of 16).
    // In the case of decryption, truncate our buffer in case the encrypted buffer contained some padding
    [self setLength:totalLength];

    // Finalize the buffer with data from the CCCryptorFinal call
    NSRange bytesNewRange = NSMakeRange(filePtr, (NSUInteger) dataOutMoved);
    [self replaceBytesInRange:bytesNewRange withBytes:dataOut];



    return 1;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




这使我想起另一件事:您检查了几件事,但只记录了它们。对if (dataOutMoved != dataOutLength)(cryptStatus != kCCSuccess)的检查看起来应该停止执行,或者退出循环,或者类似的检查,而不仅仅是记录发生的情况。


TL; DR :向每个函数调用中添加错误检查,并相应地做出响应(中断,退出,重试等),以便以后的函数调用都不会尝试使用指示错误或无效的值。
