在使用Xcode 10.1存档我的应用程序以发布App Store版本时(源代码在Swift 4.0中)-我看到解压缩的.ipa
目录。当我使用Xcode 10.0进行编译时,它确实具有所有这些目录。我需要具有Symbol文件,以便可以对从Crashlytics收到的崩溃日志进行符号化。尝试了一些选择,但徒劳无功。任何有想法的人吗? Xcode 10.1有什么变化吗?我阅读了以下内容-X {10.1发行说明中的A thinned .ipa is a compressed app bundle that contains only the resources needed to run the app on a specific device. Bitcode has been recompiled, and additional resources needed by the App Store, such as .dSYM files and On Demand Resources, are removed. For App Store apps, this .ipa is downloaded to devices running iOS 9 or later.
((https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/qa/qa1795/_index.html)和Build System
Resolved Issues
The new build system supports On Demand Resources (ODR). (31508570)