cv.imshow(canvas, matObject);
let base64Image = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
base64Image = base64Image.split(',')[1]; // Remove the unnecessary header
let dims = [matObject.rows, matObject.cols, matObject.channels()];
let form = new FormData();
form.append("data", base64Image);
form.append("dimensions", dims.join(','));
// The form object is sent to the server
imBase64 = flask.request.form['data']
shape = flask.request.form['dimensions']
shape = tuple(list(map(int, shape.split(','))))
if sys.version_info.major == 3:
imBase64 = bytes(imBase64, encoding='utf-8')
image = np.frombuffer(base64.decodestring(imBase64), dtype=uint8)
image = image.reshape(shape) # here is the error
所以,错误在于图像的尺寸,我无法正确调整解码图像的形状。例如,如果来自客户端的尺寸为height = 216, width = 204, channels = 1
,则我希望服务器中解码图像的长度为44064 = 216 * 204 * 1