
时间:2011-03-15 23:58:13

标签: php bitmask





    class bitmask
         * This array is used to represent the users permission in usable format.
         * You can change remove or add valuesto suit your needs.
         * Just ensure that each element defaults to false. Once you have started storing
         * users permsisions a change to the order of this array will cause the
         * permissions to be incorectly interpreted.
         * @type Associtive array
        public $permissions = array(
                                    "read" => false,
                                    "write" => false,
                                    "delete" => false,
                                    "change_permissions" => false,
                                    "admin" => false

         * This function will use an integer bitmask (as created by toBitmask())
         * to populate the class vaiable
         * $this->permissions with the users permissions as boolean values.
         * @param int $bitmask an integer representation of the users permisions.
         * This integer is created by toBitmask();
         * @return an associatve array with the users permissions.
        public function getPermissions($bitMask = 0)
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($this->permissions as $key => $value)
                $this->permissions[$key] = (($bitMask & pow(2, $i)) != 0) ? true : false;

                // Uncomment the next line if you would like to see what is happening.
                //echo $key . " i= ".strval($i)." power=" . strval(pow(2,$i)). "bitwise & = " . strval($bitMask & pow(2,$i))."<br>";
            return $this->permissions;

         * This function will create and return and integer bitmask based on the permission values set in
         * the class variable $permissions. To use you would want to set the fields in $permissions to true for the permissions you want to grant.
         * Then call toBitmask() and store the integer value.  Later you can pass that integer into getPermissions() to convert it back to an assoicative
         * array.
         * @return int an integer bitmask represeting the users permission set.
        function toBitmask()
            $bitmask = 0;
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($this->permissions as $key => $value)

                if ($value)
                    $bitmask += pow(2, $i);
            return $bitmask;


     * Example usage
     * initiate new bitmask object
    $perms = new bitmask();

     * How to set permissions for a user
    $perms->permissions["read"] = true;
    $perms->permissions["write"] = true;
    $perms->permissions["delete"] = true;
    $perms->permissions["change_permissions"] = true;
    $perms->permissions["admin"] = false;

    // Converts to bitmask value to store in database or wherever
    $bitmask = $perms->toBitmask();  //in this example it is 15
    $sql = "insert into user_permissions (userid,permission) values(1,$bitmask)";
    echo $sql; //you would then execute code to insert your sql.

获取位掩码值并根据位值为每个数组项返回true / false的示例....

     * Example usage to get the bitmask value from database or session/cache.... then put it to use.
     * $permarr returns an array with true/false for each array value based on the bit value
    $permarr = $perms->getPermissions($bitmask);

    if ($permarr["read"])
        echo 'user can read: <font color="green">TRUE</font>';
    else {
        echo 'user can read: <font color="red">FALSE</font>';

    //user can WRITE permission
    if ($permarr["write"])
        echo '<br>user can write: <font color="green">TRUE</font>';
    else {
        echo '<br>user can write: <font color="red">FALSE</font>';

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:32)


要了解它们,首先需要知道二进制数是如何工作的。之后,您应该查看bitwise operators上的手册条目,并确保您知道按位AND,OR和左/右移位的工作原理。

位字段只不过是一个整数值。假设我们的位域大小是固定的,只有一个字节。计算机使用二进制数,因此如果我们的数字值为29,您实际上会在内存中找到0001 1101

使用按位AND(&)和按位OR(|),您可以单独读出并设置数字的每个位。它们都将两个整数作为输入,并分别对每个位执行AND / OR。


  0001 1101 (=29, our number)
& 0000 0001 (=1, bit mask)
= 0000 0001 (=1, result)

正如您所看到的,您需要一个特殊的数字,其中只有我们感兴趣的位被设置,这就是所谓的“位掩码”。在我们的例子中,它是1。为了读出第二位,我们必须将位掩码中的一个“推”到左边一位。我们可以使用左移位运算符($number << 1)或将我们乘以2来实现。

  0001 1101
& 0000 0010
= 0000 0000 (=0, result) 



  0001 1101
| 0010 0000 (=32, bit mask)
= 0011 1101 (=29+32)



// To get bit n
$bit_n = ($number & (1 << $n)) != 0
// Alternative
$bit_n = ($number & (1 << $n)) >> $n

// Set bit n of number to new_bit
$number = ($number & ~(1 << $n)) | ($new_bit << $n)



你发布的课程对我来说有点特别。例如,像... ? true : false这样的东西是非常糟糕的做法。如果你想使用位字段,你最好定义一些常量并使用上面描述的方法。提出一个简单的课程并不难。

define('PERM_READ', 0);
define('PERM_WRITE', 1);

class BitField {
    private $value;

    public function __construct($value=0) {
        $this->value = $value;

    public function getValue() {
        return $this->value;

    public function get($n) {
        return ($this->value & (1 << $n)) != 0;

    public function set($n, $new=true) {
        $this->value = ($this->value & ~(1 << $n)) | ($new << $n);
    public function clear($n) {
        $this->set($n, false);

$bf = new BitField($user->permissions);

if ($bf->get(PERM_READ)) {
    // can read

$bf->set(PERM_WRITE, true);
$user->permissions = $bf->getValue();



答案 1 :(得分:9)


// the first mask.  In binary, it's 00000001
define('BITWISE_MASK_1', 1 << 0); // 1 << 0 is the same as 1

// the second mask.  In binary, it's 00000010
define('BITWISE_MASK_2', 1 << 1);

// the third mask.  In binary, it's 00000100
define('BITWISE_MASK_3', 1 << 2);


function computeMasks($masks) {
    $masksPresent = array();
    if ($masks & BITWISE_MASK_1)
        $masksPresent[] = 'BITWISE_MASK_1';
    if ($masks & BITWISE_MASK_2)
        $masksPresent[] = 'BITWISE_MASK_2';
    if ($masks & BITWISE_MASK_3)
        $masksPresent[] = 'BITWISE_MASK_3';
    return implode(' and ', $masksPresent);
