
时间:2018-11-07 17:22:53

标签: angularjs json



var app = angular.module("blogApp", []); 
app.controller("mainCtrl",      function($scope) {
$scope.posts = []; 
let postsUrl ="https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts"
    getPosts().then(posts =>{
        $scope.posts = posts.slice(3);

    function getPosts(){
        return fetch(postsUrl).then(res=>res.json());


1 个答案:

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我看过您共享的Codepen。因此,Ricky是您对angularJS的新手,我建议您从这里阅读与angular 1相关的文档:Angular JS - Documentation

现在满足您的要求,您需要调用一个外部API并使用结果中的数据。为此,您必须了解angularJS中的$http$http documentation



var app = angular.module("blogApp", []); //here you defined the ng-app module

//you are initializing a controller, you need to inject $http for calling the API 
app.controller("mainCtrl", function($scope, $http) {

        //Declaration of the posts object
        $scope.posts = [];

        //Onetime initialization of the API Endpoint URL
        let postsUrl ="https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts";

        //A method for getting the posts
        function getPosts(){

           //We are calling API endpoint via GET request and waiting for the result which is a promise 
           //todo: Read about the Promises
           //A promise return 2 things either a success or a failure callback, you need to handle both. 
           //The first one is success and the second one is a failure callback
           //So in general the structure is as $http.get(...).then(successCallback, failureCallback)  

               //In promises you get data in the property data, for a test you can log response like console.log(response)
               var data = response.data;

               $scope.posts = data; //Storing the data in the posts variable

                //Note: you don't need to call the $scope.$apply() because your request is with in the angular digest process. 
                //All the request which are outside the angular scope required a $apply()
            }, function(err){
               //log the err response here or show the notification you want to do

        //The final step is to call that function and it is simple


来到第二部分以显示数据。您必须使用ng-repeat文档,该文档的格式为ng-repeat="var item in collection track by $index"。它的文档在这里ng-repeat


<div  ng-repeat="var post in posts track by $index"> 

