
时间:2018-11-07 16:00:56

标签: amazon-web-services terraform

我正在将IaC部署到AWS。除了我通过ASG部署EC2实例时遇到的困惑,一切都很好。当我运行Terraform apply时,出现以下错误消息:



                        Subnet Definitions

//Define the public subnet for availability zone A.
resource "aws_subnet" "Subnet_A_Public" {
    vpc_id            = "${aws_vpc.terraform-vpc.id}"
    cidr_block        = "${var.public_subnet_a}"
    availability_zone = "${var.availability_zone_a}"

  tags {
      Name  = "Subnet A - Public"

//Define the public subnet for availability zone B.
resource "aws_subnet" "Subnet_B_Public" {
  vpc_id            = "${aws_vpc.terraform-vpc.id}"
  cidr_block        = "${var.public_subnet_b}"
  availability_zone = "${var.availability_zone_b}"

  tags {
      Name  = "Subnet B - Public"

                        Security Group (SG) Definitions

//Define the public security group.
resource "aws_security_group" "tf-public-sg" {
    name    = "TF-Public-SG"
    description = "Allow incoming HTTP/HTTPS connections and SSH access from the Internet."
    vpc_id  = "${aws_vpc.terraform-vpc.id}"

    //Accept tcp port 80 (HTTP) from the Internet.
    ingress {
        from_port   = 80
        to_port     = 80
        protocol    = "tcp"
        cidr_blocks = [""]

    //Accept tcp port 443 (HTTPS) from the Internet.
    ingress {
        from_port   = 443
        to_port     = 443
        protocol    = "tcp"
        cidr_blocks = [""]

    //Accept tcp port 22 (SSH) from the Internet.
    ingress {
        from_port   = 22
        to_port     = 22
        protocol    = "tcp"
        cidr_blocks = [""]

    //Accept all ICMP inbound from the Internet.
    ingress {
        from_port   = -1
        to_port     = -1
        protocol    = "icmp"
        cidr_blocks = [""]

    lifecycle {
        create_before_destroy = true

    tags {
        Name    = "Terraform Public SG"

            PUBLIC ASG & LC
resource "aws_launch_configuration" "terraform-public-lc" {
  image_id  = "${var.ami}"
  instance_type = "${var.instance_type}"
  security_groups   = ["${aws_security_group.tf-public-sg.id}"]

  lifecycle {
      create_before_destroy = true

resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "tf-public-asg" {
  launch_configuration       = "${aws_launch_configuration.terraform-public-lc.id}"
  availability_zones         = ["${var.availability_zone_a}", "${var.availability_zone_b}"]
  name                       = "tf-public-asg"

  min_size                  = "${var.asg_min_pubic}"
  max_size                  = "${var.asg_max_public}"
  desired_capacity          = "${var.asg_desired_capacity_public}"

  tags {
      key                   = "Name"
      value                 = "tf-public-asg"
      //value                 = "${var.public_instance_name}-${count.index}"
      propagate_at_launch   = true
            END PUBLIC ASG & LC

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