是否可以使用wal_level = minimal的男服务员用作备份而不是流日志或时间点恢复

时间:2018-11-07 01:13:03

标签: postgresql-9.4 barman


bash-4.2$ **barman check  main-db-server**
WARNING: No archiver enabled for server 'main-db-server'. Please turn on 'archiver', 'streaming_archiver' or both
WARNING: Forcing 'archiver = on'
Server main-db-server:
    PostgreSQL: OK
    is_superuser: OK
    wal_level: FAILED (please set it to a higher level than 'minimal')
    directories: OK
    retention policy settings: OK
    backup maximum age: OK (interval provided: 1 day, latest backup age: 3 minutes, 45 seconds)
    compression settings: OK
    failed backups: OK (there are 0 failed backups)
    minimum redundancy requirements: OK (have 4 backups, expected at least 0)
    ssh: OK (PostgreSQL server)
    not in recovery: OK
    archive_mode: FAILED (please set it to 'on')
    archive_command: FAILED (please set it accordingly to documentation)
    archiver errors: OK

Barman.conf条目 ***** barman.conf *******

description = "Main DB Server"
ssh_command = ssh postgres@xxxx
conninfo = host=xxxx user=postgres
parallel_jobs = 2
retention_policy_mode = auto
retention_policy = RECOVERY WINDOW OF 7 days
backup_method = rsync

****** postgres.conf *******

-bash-4.2$ cat postgresql.conf | grep archive
wal_level = minimal            # minimal, archive, hot_standby, or logical
archive_mode = off        # allows archiving to be done
archive_command = ''        # command to use to archive a logfile segment
                # placeholders: %p = path of file to archive
                # e.g. 'test ! -f /mnt/server/archivedir/%f && cp %p /mnt/server/archivedir/%f'
#archive_timeout = 0        # force a logfile segment switch after this
#max_standby_archive_delay = 30s    # max delay before canceling queries
                    # when reading WAL from archive;


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