function table($hour, $row) {
global $rs;
// if $rs is null then query database (this should be executed only once - first time)
if ($rs === null)
// first column of the query is used as key in returned array
$rs = sqlQuery("select concat(t.tbl_row,'_',t.tbl_col) as pos, t.tbl_id, t.sub_id, s.sub_name
from redips_timetable t, redips_subject s
where t.sub_id = s.sub_id", 0);
print '<tr>';
print '<td class="mark dark">' . $hour . '</td>';
// column loop starts from 1 because column 0 is for hours
for ($col = 1; $col <= 5; $col++) {
// create table cell
print '<td>';
// prepare position key in the same way as the array key looks
$pos = $row . '_' . $col;
// if content for the current table cell exists
if (array_key_exists($pos, $rs)) {
// prepare elements for defined position (it can be more than one element per table cell)
$elements = $rs[$pos];
// id of DIV element will start with sub_id and followed with 'b' (because cloned elements on the page have 'c') and with tbl_id
// this way content from the database will not be in collision with new content dragged from the left table and each id stays unique
$id = $elements[2] . 'b' . $elements[1];
$name = $elements[3];
$class = substr($id, 0, 2); // class name is only first 2 letters from ID
print "<div id=\"$id\" class=\"redips-drag $class\">$name</div>";
// close table cell
print '</td>';
print "</tr>\n";
0,testone,This is a test
1,testtwo,I hope it works
2,testthree,This better work
3,testfour,Please work
答案 0 :(得分:0)
,由for循环设置,该表达式的计算结果为:Please work
command=lambda i=i: add_to_clipboard(script[i])