背景:我有一个经常出现的相对较大的* .csv文件,其中包含三列日期/时间戳。这些当前为文本,格式为“ DD / MM / YYYY hh:mm”。默认情况下,我的计算机是D / M / Y。如果我在Excel中手动使用“文本到列”功能(带分隔符,未选择任何分隔符,列数据格式为Date:DMY),则转换将正确进行。
Range("SCDB").Columns(aryColTitleIndex(i)).TextToColumns _
Destination:=Range("SCDB").Columns(aryColTitleIndex(i)), _
DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, _
ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, Semicolon:=False, _
Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo:=Array(1, xlDMYFormat), _
(命名范围和列索引正常工作)。我尝试了FieldInfo:= Array(1,4)以及上面显示的内容,但是没有任何变化。基本上,VBA似乎要在MYD中运行,而Excel在DMY中运行。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Option Explicit
Sub ConvertDates()
'converts dates that have been mismatched MDY / DMY
'Assumes dates are all in selected column
' Only need to select a single cell in the column
' will place results in a column next to original data
' If adjacent column is not blank, a column will be inserted
'Figures out the original format by analyzing a "text" date
'Time components are converted directly. This might be OK unless
' in a non standard format such as 1400Z
Dim R As Range, C As Range
Dim sDelim As String
Dim FileDateFormat As String * 3
Dim I As Long, J As Long, V As Variant
Dim vDateParts As Variant
Dim YR As Long, MN As Long, DY As Long
Dim TM As Double
Dim vRes As Variant 'to hold the results of conversion
Set R = Selection
'Test that selected cell contains a date
If Not IsDate(R(1)) Then
MsgBox "Select a cell containing a date"
Exit Sub
End If
Set R = Intersect(R.EntireColumn, ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
ReDim vRes(1 To R.Rows.Count, 1 To 1)
'Find a "text date" cell to analyze
For Each C In R
With C
If IsDate(.Value) And Not IsNumeric(.Value2) Then
'find delimiter
For I = 1 To Len(.Text)
If Not Mid(.Text, I, 1) Like "#" Then
sDelim = Mid(.Text, I, 1)
Exit For
End If
Next I
'split off any times
V = Split(.Text & " 00:00")
vDateParts = Split(V(0), sDelim)
If vDateParts(0) > 12 Then
FileDateFormat = "DMY"
Exit For
ElseIf vDateParts(1) > 12 Then
FileDateFormat = "MDY"
Exit For
MsgBox "cannot analyze data"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End With
Next C
If sDelim = "" Then
MsgBox "cannot find problem"
Exit Sub
End If
'Check that analyzed date format different from Windows Regional Settings
Select Case Application.International(xlDateOrder)
Case 0 'MDY
If FileDateFormat = "MDY" Then
MsgBox "File Date Format and Windows Regional Settings match" & vbLf _
& "Look for problem elsewhere"
Exit Sub
End If
Case 1 'DMY
If FileDateFormat = "DMY" Then
MsgBox "File Date Format and Windows Regional Settings match" & vbLf _
& "Look for problem elsewhere"
Exit Sub
End If
End Select
'Process dates
'Could shorten this segment but probably more understandable this way
J = 0
Select Case FileDateFormat
Case "DMY"
For Each C In R
With C
If IsDate(.Value) And IsNumeric(.Value2) Then
'Reverse the day and the month
YR = Year(.Value2)
MN = Day(.Value2)
DY = Month(.Value2)
TM = .Value2 - Int(.Value2)
ElseIf IsDate(.Value) And Not IsNumeric(.Value2) Then
V = Split(.Text & " 00:00") 'remove the time
vDateParts = Split(V(0), sDelim)
YR = vDateParts(2)
MN = vDateParts(1)
DY = vDateParts(0)
TM = TimeValue(V(1))
YR = 0
End If
J = J + 1
If YR = 0 Then
vRes(J, 1) = C.Value
vRes(J, 1) = DateSerial(YR, MN, DY) + TM
End If
End With
Next C
Case "MDY"
For Each C In R
With C
If IsDate(.Value) And IsNumeric(.Value2) Then
'Reverse the day and the month
YR = Year(.Value2)
MN = Day(.Value2)
DY = Month(.Value2)
TM = .Value2 - Int(.Value2)
ElseIf IsDate(.Value) And Not IsNumeric(.Value2) Then
V = Split(.Text & " 00:00") 'remove the time
vDateParts = Split(V(0), sDelim)
YR = vDateParts(2)
MN = vDateParts(0)
DY = vDateParts(1)
TM = TimeValue(V(1))
YR = 0
End If
J = J + 1
If YR = 0 Then
vRes(J, 1) = C.Value
vRes(J, 1) = DateSerial(YR, MN, DY) + TM
End If
End With
Next C
End Select
With R.Offset(0, 1).EntireColumn
Set C = .Find(what:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas)
If Not C Is Nothing Then .EntireColumn.Insert
End With
R.Offset(0, 1).Value = vRes
End Sub