
时间:2018-11-06 15:57:24

标签: sql oracle window-functions

很好奇“ rank()”语句中“()”的作用以及如何应用它们。

例如,以下是标准排名查询,但我从未在关键字“ OVER”后的方括号内填充“()”,并且很好奇它的用途是什么?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

# # Inputs. # x <- c(0,2,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,20) # Current scores n <- 17 - 7 # Number of rounds left n.flips <- 3 # Flips per round p <- 1/2 # Chance of success per flip # # Derived quantities. # n.players <- length(x) # Number of players m <- n.flips * n # Number of flips to go z <- 0:m # Possible outcomes for any player prob <- dbinom(z, n.flips, p) # Their chances # # Compute individual chances of wins and ties. # scores <- sort(unique(x)) chances <- sapply(scores, function(score) { j <- min(which(x == score)) y1 <- sapply(0:m, function(k) { exp(sum(pbinom(x[j] + k - x[(1:n.players)[-j]], m, p, log.p=TRUE))) }) y <- sapply(0:n.flips, function(k) { exp(sum(pbinom(x[j] + k-1 - x[(1:n.players)[-j]], m, p, log.p=TRUE))) }) c(Win=sum(prob * y), Tie=sum(prob * (y1-y))) }) # # Check with a simulation. It will do a few thousand iterations per second. # set.seed(17) sim <- replicate(1e4, { Z <- rbinom(n.players, m, p) # The future results final <- x + Z # The final scores scores <- table(final) # The unique final scores k <- length(scores) if (scores[k]==1) { Win <- final == max(final) # Tally who wins Tie <- rep(0, n.players) } else { Tie <- final == max(final) # Tally who ties Win <- rep(0, n.players) } rbind(Win, Tie) }) sim <- apply(sim, 1:2, mean) # Average over the iterations # # Display the results. # colnames(chances) <- paste(scores) scores <- sort(unique(x)) sim <- sapply(scores, function(score) sim[, min(which(x==score))]) colnames(sim) <- paste(sort(unique(x))) print(round(chances, 4)) print(round(sim, 4)) 是一个不带参数的函数。
