const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
async.eachSeries(arr, function(item, callback) {
console.log('check: ' + item)
const arr2 = ['a', 'b', 'c']
async.eachSeries(arr2, function(item2, callback2) {
console.log('item: ' + item2)
if (item2 !== 'b') {
} else {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/async/2.6.1/async.min.js"></script>
check 1
item a
item b
item c
check 2
item a
item b
item c
check 3...
connection.query("SELECT * FROM `offers` WHERE `status` = ? AND date = ?", ['0', '16:15'], //there im getting news which posted (telling about wear shop)
function(err, res) {
if (res.length > 0) { //IF /\ NOT EMPTY
var tags = res[0].wear.split('/'); //there im splitting wear sizes like S / M / X / XL / XXl
async(tags, function(t, callback) { // 1 operations - check 1 size
console.log('start works at tag: ' + t) //which size of wear bot checking
connection.query("SELECT * FROM `users_tag` WHERE `tag_id` LIKE '%" + t + "%'", //searching size which user want | there i got all users who have size which searching (L)-as example
function(e, r) {
async(r, function(ro, callback2) { //now working with every user who have size (L)-as example
console.log('user: ' + ro.user_id) //telling about user who under process
connection.query("SELECT * FROM `offers` WHERE `id` = ? AND `did` NOT LIKE '%" + ro.user_id + "%'", [res[0].id], //looking for user did not get message before
function(error, result) {
if (result.length > 0) { //if user did not get message im saving him as user who already got message
if (res[0].did !== '-') { // if field with users who already got message is NOT empty
var did = res[0].did + ',' + ro.user_id
connection.query("UPDATE `offers` SET `did` = ? WHERE id = ?", [did, res[0].id],
function(er, re) {
} else {
connection.query("UPDATE `offers` SET `did` = ? WHERE id = ?", [ro.user_id, res[0].id], // if field with users who already got message is EMPTY
function(er, re) {
telegram.telegram.sendMessage(ro.user_id, '[#](' + res[0].img + ')' + res[0].offer, arkup) //there sending message to user
console.log('send to: ' + ro.user_id)
callback2() //there start working with next user
} else { //if user already GOT message before
console.log(ro.user_id + ' got message')
callback2() //there start working with next user
callback(); //there start working with next size
start works at tag: M
start works at tag: S
user: 464398822
user: 464398822
464398822 got message
user: 382065027
464398822 got message
user: 382065027
382065027 got message
user: 595293617
382065027 got message
user: 595293617
595293617 got message
595293617 got message