$ ./node_modules/.bin/elm publish
This package has never been published before. Here's how things work:
- Versions all have exactly three parts: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
- All packages start with initial version 1.0.0
- Versions are incremented based on how the API changes:
PATCH = the API is the same, no risk of breaking code
MINOR = values have been added, existing values are unchanged
MAJOR = existing values have been changed or removed
- I will bump versions for you, automatically enforcing these rules
I will now verify that everything is in order...
+ Found README.md
X Version 2.0.0 is not correct!
-- INVALID VERSION -------------------------------------------------------------
I cannot publish 2.0.0 as the initial version.
Change it to 1.0.0 which is the initial version for all Elm packages.