
时间:2018-11-04 18:17:02

标签: android node.js firebase firebase-realtime-database firebase-cloud-messaging


const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
var serviceAccount = require("./newkey.json");

  credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
  databaseURL: "https://....." //link of db here

ref = admin.database().ref();

exports.pushNotification = functions.database.ref('/Message   /{pushId}').onWrite( event => { 
 //the problem is here this function still listening to the default databse although after put the link of needed database above in databaseURL
console.log('Push notification event triggered');
var valueObject = event.data.val();
const payload = {
    notification: {
        title: valueObject.title,
        body: valueObject.message,
        sound: "default"
    data: {
        title: valueObject.title,
        message: valueObject.message
const options = {
    priority: "high",
    timeToLive: 60 * 60 * 24 //24 hours
return admin.messaging().sendToTopic("notifications", payload, options);

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