
时间:2018-11-04 02:05:08

标签: python



因此,约翰可以分配给他1,3,20,15 瑞克可能有5、10、26,已分配等,等等。


from random import shuffle
number = 26
emp = list('John', 'Sally', 'Rick', 'Bill')

#then get stuck on how to loop through this properly


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

如果只想给每个名称分配一个号码。您可以使用import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.11 Item { id: sideTabBar width: 70 height: parent.height property int currentIndex: -1 ListModel{ id: elements ListElement { image: "../assets/product.svg" } ListElement { image: "../assets/product.svg" } ListElement { image: "../assets/product.svg" } ListElement { image: "../assets/product.svg" } ListElement { image: "../assets/product.svg" } ListElement { image: "../assets/product.svg" } } Rectangle{ anchors.fill: parent color: "purple" } ColumnLayout{ id:sidebarLayout anchors.fill: parent spacing:2 Repeater{ model: elements SideBarElement{ id: element highlight: ix == currentIndex icon: image property int ix: index Layout.preferredHeight: 70 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: currentIndex = ix } } } Item {Layout.fillHeight: true} } } 来生成random.randint0之间的随机数,并可以通过简单的列表理解功能将每个用户的数字分配为元组,


如果您想为每个员工生成多个号码,则可以使用import random number = 26 emp = ['John', 'Sally', 'Rick', 'Bill'] x = [(i,random.randint(0,number+1)) for i in emp] print(x) # output, [('John', 26), ('Sally', 8), ('Rick', 2), ('Bill', 19)]



import random
number = 26
number_to_generate = 3 # to generate 3 random numbers for each emp
emp = ['John', 'Sally', 'Rick', 'Bill']

x = [(i,*random.sample(range(0, number+1), number_to_generate)) for i in emp]

# output,
[('John', 4, 3, 21), ('Sally', 3, 24, 7), ('Rick', 12, 4, 2), ('Bill', 17, 19, 11)]

答案 1 :(得分:0)



请注意,我使用的是list(1, 2, 3)语法,而不是[1, 2, 3],因为这种构造列表的语法更为常见。

# choice picks a random element from a list
from random import choice 

# emp_numbers is the collection of lists, one for each employee
emp_numbers = {'John':[], 'Sally':[], 'Rick':[], 'Bill':[]};

# emp is constructed from emp_numbers
# so that we don't have to list out the employees twice.
# We can't use emp_numbers.keys() directly as an input to choice because 
# emp_numbers.keys() doesn't support indexing since .keys() doesn't
# return a list. Choice requires indexing to function.
# Thus we convert it into a list, which does support indexing.
# (If you are still using python 2, then keys() does return a list,
# but converting a list to a list is harmless, so our code runs in both versions)
emp = list(emp_numbers.keys())

# now we want to distribute the numbers
numbers = 26;

for number in range(1, 26+1):
   #for each number, pick an employee.
   employee_name = choice(emp);
   #append the number to the end of that employee's list of numbers


打印出类似以下内容的内容:{'Rick': [4, 12, 21, 22, 24], 'John': [1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 25, 26], 'Sally': [2, 7, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 23], 'Bill': [3]} `