struct ip_addr cloud_ip;
* Set up and initialise the TCP connection for sending a reading to the cloud.
void tcp_cloud_setup_reading_post(void)
// Temp Buffer for IP Addresses
static char tmp_buff[16];
// Set the IP Address of the Data Pipeline
ipaddr_aton("xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", &cloud_ip);
// Print a Message
printf("Attempting Cloud Post to %s -> ", ipaddr_ntoa_r((const ip_addr_t *)&(cloud_ip), tmp_buff, 16));
// Create a Struct for the TCP Connection
struct tcp_pcb *cloud_pcb;
// Create a new PCB for the TCP Connection
cloud_pcb = tcp_new();
// Set the Connection Error Callback Function
tcp_err(cloud_pcb, tcp_cloud_connection_error);
// Set the Sent Callback Function
tcp_sent(cloud_pcb, tcp_cloud_reading_sent);
// Set the Receive Callback Function
tcp_recv(cloud_pcb, tcp_cloud_get_timestamp);
// Connect to the Cloud Server
//tcp_connect(cloud_pcb, &cloud_ip, 80, tcp_cloud_connect_reading_post);
err_t tcp_error_conn = tcp_connect(cloud_pcb, &cloud_ip, 80, tcp_cloud_connect_reading_post);
printf("ERROR CODE: %d\r\n", tcp_error_conn);