pending = endpoint().then { freshValue in
return Guarantee(cachedValue) as! Guarantee<t>
这在Swift 2中有效(此后进行了少量编辑),但是由于对Swift 4.2的更新,此代码开始中断。我承认,我仍在尝试找出从Promisekit 4到6的所有更改。
import Foundation
import PromiseKit
class CachedValue<T> {
var date = NSDate.distantPast
var value: T? { didSet { date = NSDate() as Date } }
class Cache<T> {
private let defaultMaxCacheAge: TimeInterval
private let defaultMinCacheAge: TimeInterval
private let endpoint: () -> Guarantee<T>
private let cached = CachedValue<T>()
private var pending: Guarantee<T>?
// Always makes API request, without regard to cache
func fresh() -> Guarantee<T> {
// Limit identical API requests to one at a time
if pending == nil {
pending = endpoint().then { freshValue in
self.cached.value = freshValue
return Promise(freshValue)
}.ensure {
self.pending = nil
} as! Guarantee<T>
return pending!
// If cache too old (invalid), returns nil
func cachedOrNil(maxCacheAge: TimeInterval) -> T? {
// maxCacheAge is maximum cache age before cache is deleted
if NSDate().timeIntervalSince(cached.date) > maxCacheAge {
cached.value = nil
return cached.value
// If cache nil too old (stale), makes API request
func cachedOrFresh(maxCacheAge: TimeInterval, minCacheAge: TimeInterval) -> Guarantee<T> {
// minCacheAge is minimum cache age before API request is made
if let cachedValue = cachedOrNil(maxCacheAge: maxCacheAge) {
if NSDate().timeIntervalSince(cached.date) < minCacheAge {
return Guarantee(cachedValue) as! Guarantee<T>
return fresh()
/// ... More code in file...
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pending = endpoint().then { freshValue -> Guarantee<MyClass> in ...}