MFRC522在正确的uid(raspberry pi B +)上打印

时间:2018-11-02 16:58:26

标签: python python-3.x raspberry-pi raspberry-pi3 rfid

现在,我正尝试在我的树莓派B +上安装多RFID。 我正在使用MFRC522模块。

但是,我仍然坚持按我希望的方式工作。 终端显示UID,以便阅读器可以工作。

我想做的是,当正确的UID放在阅读器上时,让pi做出反应(类似于运行其他脚本)。 现在,我只是尝试在放置正确的UID时打印一条消息。


import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import MFRC522
import signal
import time

continue_reading = True

# Capture SIGINT for cleanup when the script is aborted
def end_read(signal,frame):
global continue_reading
print "Ctrl+C captured, ending read."
continue_reading = False

# Hook the SIGINT
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, end_read)

# Create an object of the class MFRC522
MIFAREReader = MFRC522.MFRC522()

# Welcome message
print "Welcome to the MFRC522 data read example"
print "Press Ctrl-C to stop."

# This loop keeps checking for chips. If one is near it will get the UID and authenticate
while continue_reading:

# Scan for cards 
(status,TagType) = MIFAREReader.MFRC522_Request(MIFAREReader.PICC_REQIDL)

# If a card is found
#if status == MIFAREReader.MI_OK:
#print "Card detected"

# Get the UID of the card
(status,uid) = MIFAREReader.MFRC522_Anticoll()

# If we have the UID, continue
if status == MIFAREReader.MI_OK:

# Print UID
card_id = str(uid[0])+str(uid[1])+str(uid[2])+str(uid[3])
#print "Card read UID: %s,%s,%s,%s" % (uid[0], uid[1], uid[2], uid[3])
print card_id


if card_id == (285396211):
print card_id



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