中位数= cv2.medianBlur(image,45)
答案 0 :(得分:4)
import cv2
import numpy as np
# assuming you have the result image store in median
# median = cv2.imread("abc.jpg", 0)
image_gray = median
image_gray = np.where(image_gray > 30, 255, image_gray)
image_gray = np.where(image_gray <= 30, 0, image_gray)
image_gray = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(image_gray, 255,
cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 115, 1)
_, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(image_gray, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
rect_cnts = []
for cnt in contours:
peri = cv2.arcLength(cnt, True)
approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, 0.04 * peri, True)
(x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
ar = w / float(h)
if len(approx) == 4: # shape filtering condition
max_area = 0
football_square = None
for cnt in rect_cnts:
(x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
if max_area < w*h:
max_area = w*h
football_square = cnt
# Draw the result
image = cv2.cvtColor(image_gray, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
cv2.drawContours(image, [football_square], -1, (0, 0,255), 5)
cv2.imshow("Result Preview", image)
此答案来自PyImageSearch“ OpenCV shape detection”上的精彩文章。谢谢。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
首先,它读取图像并确定每个像素是黑色还是白色。接下来,它按行读取白色区域的开始和结束位置。此后,它会聚集需要至少一个像素重叠且每个区域必须在连续线上的区域。 请注意,每行仅连接一个区域,例如,如果您具有星形形状,其中两个部分在较低点连接,则此代码将无法正常工作,您将需要进行一些重做(请参见下文,我的意思的示例)。最后,它会检查最大的区域,并在其周围添加一条红色的粗线。
from PIL import Image
from copy import copy
def area(lst):
:param lst: a list of tuples where each subsequent tuple indicates a row and the first two values indicate the start and end values of the row
:return: the total area of the shape described by these tuples
pixels_counted = 0
for i in lst:
pixels_counted += i[1] - i[0]
return pixels_counted
def get_image(location):
:param location: where your image is saved
- an Image class
- a list of lists where everything is either a 1 (white) or 0 (black)
- a picture class
picture = Image.open(location)
rgb_im = picture.convert('RGB')
w, y = picture.size
rgb = [[1 if sum(rgb_im.getpixel((i, j))) < 255 * 1.5 else 0 for i in range(w)] for j in range(y)]
return picture, rgb, rgb_im
def get_borders(rgb):
borders = []
for i in range(len(rgb)):
border = []
if 0 in rgb[i]:
start = rgb[i].index(0)
for j in range(start, len(rgb[i])):
if start != -1 and rgb[i][j] == 1:
border.append((start, j - 1, i))
start = -1
if start == -1:
if rgb[i][j] == 0:
start = j
if start != -1:
border.append((start, j - 1, i))
return borders
def get_rectangles(borders):
:param borders: a list of lists, for each row it lists where an area starts or ends
:return: a list of areas
This function reads from the top to the bottom. it tries to group the largest areas together. This will work
as long as these areas are relatively simple, however, if they split up (like a donut for instance) this will
definitely raise issues.
rectangles = []
started = []
for i in range(len(borders)):
started_new = []
started_borders = [z[1] for z in sorted([(z[1] - z[0], z) for z in borders[i]], reverse=True)]
for region in started_borders:
existing = False
left = region[0]
right = region[1]
started_areas = [z[1] for z in sorted([(area(z), z) for z in started], reverse=True)]
# If in the previous row an area existsed in that overlaps with this region, this region is connected to it
for k in started_areas:
if right < k[-1][0] or left > k[-1][1]:
started_new.append(k + [region])
existing = True
del started[started.index(k)]
# If there was no part in the previous row that already connects to it, it will be added to the list of
# shapes as a new area of itself
if not existing:
for k in started:
started = copy(started_new)
# Add any remaining areas to the list
for i in started_new:
return rectangles
def get_biggest_rectangle(rectangles):
areas = []
for i in rectangles:
areas.append((area(i), i))
probable_rectangle = sorted(areas)[-1][1]
return probable_rectangle
def show_image(rgb, rgb_im, probable_rectangle):
# I honestly cannot figure out how to change the picture variable, so I just make a new figure
w, y = len(rgb[0]), len(rgb)
img = Image.new('RGB', (w, y), "black")
pixels = img.load()
for i in range(w):
for j in range(y):
pixels[i, j] = rgb_im.getpixel((i, j)) # set the colour accordingly
for i in probable_rectangle:
pixels[i[0], i[-1]] = (255, 0, 0)
pixels[i[1], i[-1]] = (255, 0, 0)
for y in range(-10, 10):
for z in range(-10, 10):
pixels[i[0] + y, i[-1] + z] = (255, 0, 0)
pixels[i[1] + y, i[-1] + z] = (255, 0, 0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
picture, rgb, rgb_im = get_image('C:\\Users\\Nathan\\Downloads\\stack.jpg')
borders = get_borders(rgb)
rectangles = get_rectangles(borders)
probable_rectangle = get_biggest_rectangle(rectangles)
show_image(rgb, rgb_im, probable_rectangle)