
时间:2018-10-31 21:09:16

标签: c shell ubuntu operating-system fork

所以我要尝试的是使用C语言创建cmd。但是,当检测到“&”时,它将在后台运行。当前的问题是,如果说,我运行“ gedit&”,然后运行“ gedit”,则一旦被调用,“ gedit”就不会等待,因为它退出了。我一直在尝试调试,但是我发现在ubuntu shell上也发生了同样的事情。但是,我想以不同的方式来实现它。解决方案是否有合理的理由说明为什么会发生这种情况以及如何按照我的解释实施它?

gedit & #this is to run gedit in the background
gedit #this should run gedit and block the terminal


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#define TRUE 1
#define DELIMITER "\t\n "
FILE *f;

* description: this functions parses an array of characters to
*              seperate strings
* @params:
*   char *command - pointer to an array of characteres
*   char **params - pointer to a pointer of an array of characters
* @returns:
* int isBackroung - a number > 0 showcases this is a background process
int tokenizer(char *command, char** params)
    // count to keep track of each token and add it to params
    int count = 0;
    // this has the tokens returend from the strtok
    char *ptr = strtok(command, DELIMITER);
    // acts as a bolean to check if u ser entered '&' and execute it as background
    int isBackground = 0;

    while( ptr != NULL )
        params[count] = ptr;
        //check if background process
        if(strcmp(ptr, "&") == 0)
            // replace it with null character to prevent it from confusing commnads like ls
            params[count] = '\0';
            isBackground = count;
        ptr = strtok(NULL, DELIMITER);

    //adding the null for execvp
    params[count] = NULL;

    return isBackground;

* description: writes in file when a child is terminated
* @params:
*   int sig- signal when child is terminated
* @returns:
* int isBackroung - a number > 0 showcases this is a background process
void handler(int sig)
    pid_t pid;
    int status;

    //hunting zombie processes
    pid_t pid2 = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG);
    //open file in append mode
    f= fopen("shell.log","a+");

    //in case an error pops up
        fprintf(stderr, "Error openning file");
    fprintf(f,"Child %d was termintaed\n", pid);


* description: forks the current process and waits if not a background process
* @params:
*   cahr* program- main program name
*   cahr** params- argument list includingthe program name
*   int background- if 1 then it is a background process
* @returns:

void spawn (char* program, char** params, int isBackground)
    pid_t child_pid;
    //used for wait, meaning this variable will be set when process child finshes
    int status;
    //passing signals to cal handler
    //in the case no command entered just do nothing
    if(params[0]==NULL) ;

    // implementation of exit with 0 to showcase no errors
    else if(strcasecmp(params[0], "exit") == 0)
        //fork child
        child_pid = fork();

        // if negative then error in forking
        if (child_pid < 0)
            fprintf (stderr, "an error occurred cannot fork\n");
        // a zero value means child so go ahead child execute ur code
        else if (child_pid == 0)
            //this is a system call to execute the command and its options/args/flags
            execvp(program, params);

            // if execvp returns, meaning there is a n error, then we need to tell the user
            fprintf (stderr, "an error occurred in execvp or maybe just an non-existent command\n");
            // if its a background then we need to wait for the process
            else if(!isBackground)
                printf("child: %d\n", child_pid);
                pid_t j = waitpid(child_pid, &status, 0);
                printf("child: %d %d\n", child_pid, WSTOPSIG(status));

                //this is just to sleep the parent for a while to make printing prettier
                printf("child: %d\n", child_pid);


void main()
    // Command is an array of strings that is initially used to take the entire input
    // params is a pointer to arrays of strings in order to take further command args(ex: ls -l)
    char command[2048];
    char *params[128];
    char cwd[PATH_MAX];

    // fancy way of showing u where u r currently working when u start
    if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) != NULL)
        printf("Current working dir: %s\n", cwd);

    // Inifinitely running loop to keep the program running

        //read the entire line into command


        // just to make sure that the entered commands are shorter than the array
            //tokenizer will parse the command, where the command name will be params[0]
            //spawn it executes the commands and fork processes
            spawn(params[0],params,tokenizer(command, params));
            fprintf(stdout, "Youn need to enter a string of max size 2048");

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