
时间:2018-10-31 00:45:18

标签: python arrays numpy image-processing image-segmentation



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Let G = {g1, g2, . . . , gN} be the points in the ground truth boundary.
Let B = {b1, b2, . . . , bM} be the points in the segmented boundary.
Define d(p, p0) be a measure of distance between points p and p0 (e.g. Euclidean, city block, etc.)


def MSD(A,G):
    Takes a thresholded binary image, and a ground truth img(binary), and computes the mean squared absolute difference
    :param A: The thresholded binary image
    :param G: The ground truth img
    sim = np.bitwise_xor(A,G)
    sum = 0
    for i in range(0,sim.shape[0]):
        for j in range(0,sim.shape[1]):
            if (sim[i,j] == True):
                min = 9999999
                for k in range(0,sim.shape[0]):
                    for l in range(0,sim.shape[1]):
                        if (sim[k, l] == True):
                            e = abs(i-k) + abs(j-l)
                            if e < min:
                                min = e
                                mink = k
                                minl = l
                sum += min
    return sum/(sim.shape[0]*sim.shape[1])


examplethis example(答案3)可能显示了如何使用矩阵算术获得均方误差的方法,但我不理解这些示例如何有意义或它们为何起作用。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

因此,如果我正确理解您的公式和代码,您将获得一个(二进制)图像B和一个(基本情况)图像G。 “点”由其中任一图像具有True(或至少非零)值的像素位置定义。根据您的bitwise_xor,我推断出这两个图像具有相同的形状(M,N)

因此,数量d^2(b,g)最坏的是(M*N, M*N)大小的数组,将B的每个像素与G的每个像素相关联。甚至更好:如果(m,n)中有m个非零且B中有n个非零,我们只需要一个形状G。除非您的图片很大,否则我们无法跟踪大量图片。这将消耗内存,但是通过矢量化,我们将赢得很多CPU时间。因此,对于每个n,我们只需要相对于每个m可能的值找到该距离的最小值。然后将每个最小值进行汇总。请注意,下面的解决方案使用了极端矢量化,如果图像很大,它很容易消耗掉内存。


import numpy as np

# generate dummy data
M,N = 100,100
B = np.random.rand(M,N) > 0.5
G = np.random.rand(M,N) > 0.5

def MSD(B, G):
    # get indices of nonzero pixels
    nnz_B = B.nonzero() # (x_inds, y_inds) tuple, x_inds and y_inds are shape (m,)
    nnz_G = G.nonzero() # (x_inds', y_inds') each with shape (n,)

    # np.array(nnz_B) has shape (2,m)
    # compute squared Manhattan distance
    dist2 = abs(np.array(nnz_B)[...,None] - np.array(nnz_G)[:,None,:]).sum(axis=0)**2 # shape (m,n)
    # alternatively: Euclidean for comparison:
    #dist2 = ((np.array(nnz_B)[...,None] - np.array(nnz_G)[:,None,:])**2).sum(axis=0)

    mindist2 = dist2.min(axis=-1) # shape (m,) of minimum square distances

    return mindist2.mean() # sum divided by m, i.e. the MSD itself

print(MSD(B, G))


答案 1 :(得分:2)

一种有效的计算距离的方法是使用距离变换。 SciPy在ndimage包中有一个实现:scipy.ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt

这个想法是为真实图像G的背景计算距离变换。这将导致一个新图像D对于G中每个非零像素为0,并且对于G中每个零像素将存在到最接近的非零像素的距离。 / p>


import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as nd
import matplotlib.pyplot as pp

# Create some test data
img = pp.imread('erika.tif')         # a random image
G = img > 120                        # the ground truth
img = img + np.random.normal(0, 20, img.shape)
B = img > 120                        # the other image

D = nd.morphology.distance_transform_edt(~G)
msd = np.mean(D[B]**2)