
时间:2018-10-30 09:46:19

标签: unity3d plugins arkit entrypointnotfoundexcept

下面的代码是完整的插件代码。我正在尝试使用此插件检索纬度和经度。我创建了一个C#脚本,粘贴了此代码并将其重命名为Position.mm文件。我添加了一个包含插件文件夹的SDK因此,最初我将其复制到该文件夹​​中。它显示错误 EntryPointNotFoundException:_GetCoordinates Getposition.GetCoordinates()。我创建了一个文件夹Assets / Plugins文件夹并将插件复制到该文件夹​​中不起作用。

#import "Position.h"
#import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>
#import <CoreMotion/CoreMotion.h>

//Convert a C++ string to NSString
NSString* CPPStringToIOSString(const char* cppString)
    return cppString?[NSString stringWithUTF8String: cppString] : nullptr;

//Convert an NSString to C++ string.
const char* IOSStringToCPPString(NSString * iosString)
    if ([iosString length])
        const char* str = [iosString UTF8String];
        if (str && strlen(str))
            char* unityString = static_cast<char*>(malloc(strlen(str) + 1));
strcpy(unityString, str);
            return unityString;

    return nullptr;

static LocationServiceInfo GetLocationServiceInfo()
    static LocationServiceInfo info;
    return info;

extern "C" {

    //When called, returns a CLLocationCoordinate2D to Unity.
  CLLocationCoordinate2D _GetCoordinates()
    CLLocationManager* manager = GetLocationServiceInfo().GetLocationManager();
    return [manager getCurrentLocation];

//When called, registers a listen with LocationManager.
//The listener is called whenever the location has updated/changed.
void _RegisterLocationUpdateHandler(void(* callback)(double, double))
    //Implement your own logic for this..
    //Then call `callback` with the lat and lon.
    GetLocationServiceInfo().onLocationDidUpdate = ^ (double lat, double lon) {
        if (callback)
            callback(lat, lon);


//Struct representing coordinates received from the iOS plugin.
public struct CLLocationCoordinate2D
    double latitude;
    double longitude;

//Imported function.
private static extern CLLocationCoordinate2D _GetCoordinates();

//Call the imported `GetCoordinates` when this function is called.
public static CLLocationCoordinate2D GetCoordinates()
    return _GetCoordinates();


void Update () 
    if (GetCoordinates().ToString() != null)
        Debug.Log("Getcordinates Plugin " + GetCoordinates().ToString() );

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