经过24小时培训的Google AutoML错误

时间:2018-10-29 09:39:38

标签: google-cloud-platform google-cloud-vision automl google-cloud-automl

我已经准备好数据集以使用Google Cloud AutoML视觉,并将训练时间调整为11个小时。我的数据集包含600个类别的62万张图像。培训花了24个小时(尽管我只要求11个小时),然后又出现了这个错误。

Hello Google Cloud AI Customer, 
Due to an error, AutoML Vision was unable to process your dataset "axv_image". There will be no charge issued for this job. 
To see a more detailed error log, go back to your dataset. 
Additional details

Last error message

Please reference 406547347077053119 when reporting errors.


Please refer to this issue by its reference code ICN406547347077053119 when reporting errors.


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