
时间:2018-10-28 20:57:28

标签: sql mysql-workbench workbench

这是我认为Procedure语句的代码,我认为它可以正常运行,但是由于不断出现以下错误而无法运行它:Error Code: 1064. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ');     -- issue the new loan.  INSERT INTO loan (<code>code</code>, <code>no</code>, taken, due)    VA' at line 70错误代码:1064。您的SQL语法有错误;检查与您的MariaDB服务器版本相对应的手册以获取在')附近使用的正确语法; -发放新贷款。在第70行插入VA'贷款(codeno,已到期)

我尝试找到修复它的方法,但没有找到任何东西。谁能看到我写错了什么,或者在代码中看不见的地方犯了错误吗?错误使我进入第70行,但是FETCH NEXT FROM copy_c INTO copy_code;告诉我FROM的位置不正确。另外,我还附上我的评论,以便更轻松地阅读此代码。


          CREATE PROCEDURE `new_loan` (IN book_isbn CHAR(17), IN student_no INT)


        -- search for the copy of the book and test for loan record in loan table.
        DECLARE copy_code, loan_test INT;

        -- test for successful loan and for end of cursor.
        DECLARE inserted, complete BOOLEAN;

        -- the duration date and current date for new loan issue and number of days for the new loan.
        DECLARE due, cur DATE;
        DECLARE copy_dur TINYINT;

        -- test if students can loan books.
    DECLARE embargo_status BIT(1) DEFAULT b'1';

    -- cursor for copy codes based on isbn.
        SELECT `code`
        FROM copy
        WHERE isbn = book_isbn;

            SET complete = TRUE;

        OPEN copy_c;

        -- get student embargo status.
        SET embargo_status = (SELECT embargo 
                    FROM student
                    WHERE `no` = student_no);

        SELECT embargo_status;

        -- check if the student is valid or embargo is no, if not report a message.
        IF (embargo_status IS NULL OR embargo_status = b'1') THEN
            SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000'
                SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'The student is not valid or has embargo!';
        END IF;

        SET inserted = FALSE;
        SET copy_code = 0;

        -- loop through copies to see when that is available.
        copy_codes: LOOP
        FETCH NEXT FROM copy_c INTO copy_code;

        IF complete THEN 
            SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000'
                SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'We looped to end and found nothing!';
        END IF;

        -- if a copy is available then loan_test will be null.  
        -- if return is null the book is out on loan and a non null value will be returned to loan_test.
        SET loan_test = (SELECT `code` FROM loan
                    WHERE (`code` = copy_code) AND (`return` IS NULL));

        -- if a copy is available loan_test will be null.  
    -- A null value implies that the copy had a one or many records in loan with a non null return or the copy was never out on loan.
        IF (loan_test IS NULL) THEN     
            SET cur = CURRENT_DATE();
            SET copy_dur = (SELECT duration 
                     FROM copy
                     WHERE `code` = copy_code);

        -- calculate due date.
        SET due = DATE_ADD (cur, INTERVAL copy_dur DAY);

        -- issue the new loan.
        INSERT INTO loan (`code`, `no`, taken, due)
                VALUES (copy_code, student_no, cur, due);

        SET inserted = TRUE;

        LEAVE copy_codes;

        END IF;

        END LOOP;

        CLOSE copy_c;

        -- inform users of a failed loan.
        IF (inserted = FALSE) THEN 
            SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000'
                SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'No currently available copies or book does not exist! '; 
        END IF;



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

MySQL Workbench给您一条错误消息,其中包含详细信息。你没看到吗实际上,它会给您2个错误,但是第一个(大约是FETCH NEXT)是WB语法检查器中的错误,将在下一版本中得到解决。



“ DATE_ADD”在此位置无效,需要完整的函数调用或其他表达式。

比MySQL(或MariaDB)发出的丑陋错误消息更好地描述了哪里出了问题。当您查看该呼叫时,您会看到在圆括号前有一个空格,该空格由于SQL mode IGNORE_SPACE而改变了含义。删除空格字符,您的SP将被接受。