
时间:2018-10-27 21:16:40

标签: javascript function asynchronous callback


data2$gender =as.factor(data2$gender)

data2$intyorn =as.factor(data2$intyorn)

data2$EducAge20Recoded =as.factor(data2$EducAge20Recoded)

mylogit <- glm(EducAge20Recoded ~ gender + intyorn+ prs_ea_all + gxeaALL, data = data2, family = "binomial")

data3 <- with(data2, data.frame(prs_ea_all = mean(prs_ea_all), **intyorn**, gxeaALL = mean(gxeaALL), gender = factor(0:1)))

data3$genderP <- predict(mylogit, newdata = data3, type = "response")

newdata2 <- with(data2, data.frame(prs_ea_all = rep(seq(from = -4, to = 4, length.out = 100), ##2), gxeaALL = mean(gxeaALL), intyorn, gender = factor(rep(0:1, each = 100))))

但是,我正在寻找一种等待回调的特定方法。基本上,我希望触发// You can wrap the rest of your code in the callback /* executing code */ asyncFunction((err, callback)=>{ if(err)console.log(err) else{ /* The rest of your program */ } }) // You can do function chaining (use this to parallel asyncs) var arr = newArray(2).fill(false) asyncParallel() function asyncParallel(){ asyncFunction1((err,callback)=>{ if(err)console.log(err) else{ arr[arr.indexOf(false)] = true allDone() } } asyncFunction2((err, callback)=>{ if(err)console.log(err) else{ arr[arr.indexOf(false)] = true allDone() } } } function allDone(){ if(!arr.includes(false)){ theRest() } } function theRest(){ /* the rest of your code */ } // You can wrap all of your code in a generator function function* gen(){ /* your code */ yield something /* the rest of your code */ } var g = gen() g.next() asyncFunction((err, callback)=>{ if(err)console.log(err) else{ g.next() } } //You could also download a fancy pants module which I have no time for ,然后我的程序只执行一步,然后碰到了一个塞子,在回调中我想释放该塞子。它应该看起来像这样:



/* function to wait for trigger */
/* the rest of my code */


var x = false
axios.get('myUrl').then(res=>{x = true})
while(x === false){
    // this will stop any other code from executing.
    // x will never be set to true.


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