
时间:2018-10-27 18:56:30

标签: r

我每分钟都有几个.csv文件,它们具有相同的抽水量格式。我需要汇总每天的总抽水量。一些数据具有文本错误(关闭数据记录器)或负值(意味着流量为0)。我写了下面的代码来做到这一点。如何在多个文件上循环播放,而不是每个月进行复制和粘贴?所有文件都标记为“ Mon_Year_Well_Flows.csv”。我尝试使用for循环和使用lapply均未成功。另外,我对R很陌生,所以我了解我的代码可能效率很低。

第一个月数据文件“ Jul_2017_Well_Flows.csv”的第一行

Date        DW_20   DW_24A  DW_25A   DW_26A DW_27A  DW_28   DW_29
9/1/18 0:00 995.88  1110.62 1229.14  -0.09  4.5    1100.95  913.33
9/1/18 0:01 1002.43 1115.85 1231.59  -0.09  4.5    1107.63  909.06
9/1/18 0:02 1007.01 1123.39 1236.75  -0.09  4.51   1108.37  935
9/1/18 0:03 1007.17 1121.69 1234.58  -0.09  4.52   1105.64  901.35
9/1/18 0:04 1005.27 1122.86 1233.25  -0.09  4.53   1107.56  911.15
9/1/18 0:05 1001.37 1116.39 1229.89  -0.09  4.54   1103.66  937.93


#Load data
data <- read.csv("Jul_2017_Well_Flows.csv", header = T)
#Create new data frame with date info
data1 <- data.frame("Date" = data$Date)
#Remove all error text to NA
index <- supply(data, is.factor)
data[index] <- apply(data[index], function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
#Convert all NA values to 0
data[is.na(data)] <- 0
#Converting all negative pumping rates to 0
data[,-c(1)][data[,-c(1)]<0] <-0
#Add back original date column
data <- select(data, -Date)
data <- bind_cols(data,data1)
#Remove minute data and change day to date formatting
data$Day <- as.Date(data$Date, '%m/%d/%Y')
Jul_2017 <- data %>%
  #Remove date column
  select(-Date) %>%
  #Group all data according to day
  group_by(day) %>%
  #Sum all daily well data by day


combined <- bind_rows(Jul_2017, Aug_2017....)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)






filenames <- list.files("temp", pattern="*.csv", full.names=TRUE)

#Load data
data <- read.csv(filenames[[1]], header = T) # read in the first file as usual

#Create new data frame with date info
data1 <- data.frame("Date" = data$Date)
#Remove all error text to NA
index <- supply(data, is.factor)
data[index] <- apply(data[index], function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
#Convert all NA values to 0
data[is.na(data)] <- 0
#Converting all negative pumping rates to 0
data[,-c(1)][data[,-c(1)]<0] <-0
#Add back original date column
data <- select(data, -Date)
data <- bind_cols(data,data1)
#Remove minute data and change day to date formatting
data$Day <- as.Date(data$Date, '%m/%d/%Y')
Jul_2017 <- data %>%
  #Remove date column
  select(-Date) %>%
  #Group all data according to day
  group_by(day) %>%
  #Sum all daily well data by day

#I'm not sure if you can use bind_rows with one argument - I am not able
# to test code at the moment. Create a storage place for the combined dfs.
combined <- bind_rows(Jul_2017)

for (i in 2:len(filenames)) {
temp_month <- read.csv(filenames[[i]], header = TRUE) # Notice the temp_month

#Load data
data <- read.csv(filenames[[1]], header = T) # read in first file as usual
#Create new data frame with date info
data1 <- data.frame("Date" = data$Date)
#Remove all error text to NA
index <- supply(data, is.factor)
data[index] <- apply(data[index], function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
#Convert all NA values to 0
data[is.na(data)] <- 0
#Converting all negative pumping rates to 0
data[,-c(1)][data[,-c(1)]<0] <-0
#Add back original date column
data <- select(data, -Date)
data <- bind_cols(data,data1)
#Remove minute data and change day to date formatting
data$Day <- as.Date(data$Date, '%m/%d/%Y')
temp_month <- data %>%
  #Remove date column
  select(-Date) %>%
  #Group all data according to day
  group_by(day) %>%
  #Sum all daily well data by day

combined <- bind_rows(combined, temp_month)

答案 1 :(得分:0)




process_csv <- function(file) {
  #Load data
  data <- read.csv(file, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  #Create new data frame with date info
  data$Date <- as.POSIXlt.character(data$Date, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M", tz = "GMT")
  #Remove all error text to NA
  numeric_columns <- 2:ncol(data)
  for (c in numeric_columns) {
    # convert character class columns to numeric
    # NAs are coerced where data is missing (will generate warning)
    data[, c] <- as.numeric(data[, c])
    #Convert all NA values to 0
    data[is.na(data[, c]), c] <- 0
    #Converting all negative pumping rates to 0
    data[data[, c] < 0, c] <- 0
  #Remove minute data and change day to date formatting
  data$Day <- as.Date(data$Date, '%m/%d/%Y')
  out <- data %>%
    #Remove date column
    select(-Date) %>%
    #Group all data according to day
    group_by(Day) %>%
    #Sum all daily well data by day


folder <- "C:/path/to/your/data/"

files <- list.files(path = folder, pattern = ".csv$", full.names = TRUE)


# loop over files
combined <- lapply(files, process_csv) %>% 