
时间:2018-10-27 16:30:11

标签: javascript acrobat-sdk

我需要在pdf文档(编辑,打印等)中设置权限用户。我阅读了“ Acrobat JavaScript脚本参考”和“使用JavaScript开发Acrobat®应用程序”,但是没有找到没有证书运行的代码。


Set pdfjob = PDFCreatorQueue.NextJob

With pdfjob
    .SetProfileByGuid ("DefaultGuid")

    ' Set up the pdf security using the SetProfileSetting method of the job object.
    'Since we want to make our pdf more safe, we have to enable the security action first
    .SetProfileSetting "PdfSettings.Security.Enabled", "true"
    ' We set up the encryption level to medium
    .SetProfileSetting "PdfSettings.Security.EncryptionLevel", "Rc128Bit"
    ' Notice that in order to have a user password we have also to set the owner password
    ' and additionally enable the RequireUserPassword property
    .SetProfileSetting "PdfSettings.Security.OwnerPassword", sOwnerPassword
    ' Require a user password to be able to view the PDF
    .SetProfileSetting "PdfSettings.Security.RequireUserPassword", "true"
    ' Now everyone who wants to open the converted file has to know the security password "myPassword"
    .SetProfileSetting "PdfSettings.Security.UserPassword", sUserPassword
    ' Set Security options
    .SetProfileSetting "PdfSettings.Security.AllowToCopyContent", IIf(bAllowCopy, "True", "False")
    .SetProfileSetting "PdfSettings.Security.AllowPrinting", IIf(bAllowPrint, "True", "False")
    .SetProfileSetting "PdfSettings.Security.AllowToEditTheDocument", IIf(bAllowEdit, "True", "False")

    ' Setup main option
    .SetProfileSetting "OpenViewer", IIf(bOpenViewer, "True", "False")

End With

如何使用PDF文档中的 JavaScript代码做同样的事情?

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