给出一个字符串,用立即数替换每个字符。 例如:“ aaabbbcc”-“ a3b3c2” “ abab”-“ a1b1a1b1”
答案 0 :(得分:0)
function getResult(input) {
if(!input) {
return ''; // if string is empty, return ''
if (input.length === 1) { // if string length is 1, return input + '1'
return input + '1'
var inputLength = input.length; // total length of the input string
var preChar = input[0]; // track previous character
var count = 1; // count of the previous character
for (var i = 1; i < inputLength; i++) {
if (preChar === input[i]) { // previous char and current char match
preChar = input[i]; // update prevChar with current char
count++; // count of prevChar is incremented
if (i + 1 < inputLength) { // not the end of the string
input = input.substr(0, i) + '#' + input.substr(i + 1); // update with dummy char '#' to maintain the length of the string, later will be removed
} else { // if it is the end of the string, update with count
input = input.substr(0, i) + count + input.substr(i + 1);
// if current char is not matched with prevChar
preChar = input[i]; // update the preChar with current char
// update the input with prevChar count and current char
input = input.substr(0, i) + count + input[i] + input.substr(i + 1);
inputLength++; // new count is added in the string, so total length of the string is increased by one
i++; // increment the i also because total length is increased
count = 1; // update the count with 1
if (i + 1 === inputLength) { // if it is last element
input = input.substr(0, i+1) + count + input.substr(i + 2);
input = input.replace(/\#/g, '') // remove dummy char '#' with ''
return input; // return the input
console.log("result for aaabbbcc is ", getResult('aaabbbcc'))
console.log("result for abab is ", getResult('abab'))
答案 1 :(得分:0)
当重复(2 ^ 64-1)次时,仅需要20个字节。
代码#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
// Definition of helper functions for converting ints to string(raw and no need for format string).
template <class size_t, class UnsignedInt,
class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned<UnsignedInt>::value>>
size_t to_str_len(UnsignedInt i) noexcept
size_t cnt = 0;
do {
i /= 10;
} while (i > 0);
return cnt;
* out should either points to the beginning of array or the last.
* step should be either 1 or -1.
template <class RandomAccessIt, class UnsignedInt,
class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned<UnsignedInt>::value>>
auto uitos_impl(RandomAccessIt out, int step, UnsignedInt i) noexcept
do {
*out = static_cast<char>(i % 10) + 48;
out += step;
i /= 10;
} while (i > 0);
return out;
template <class BidirectionalIt>
void reverse_str(BidirectionalIt beg, BidirectionalIt end) noexcept
do {
std::iter_swap(beg++, --end);
} while (beg < end);
template <class RandomAccessIt, class UnsignedInt>
auto uitos(RandomAccessIt beg, UnsignedInt i) noexcept
auto ret = uitos_impl(beg, 1, i);
// Reverse the string to get the right order
reverse_str(beg, ret);
return ret;
template <class RanIt, class UnsignedInt>
auto r_uitos(RanIt last, UnsignedInt i) noexcept
return uitos_impl(last, -1, i);
template <class size_t, class RandomAccessIt>
size_t count_repeat(RandomAccessIt beg, RandomAccessIt end) noexcept
auto first = beg;
auto &val = *beg;
do {
} while (beg != end && *beg == val);
return beg - first;
template <class size_t, class RandomAccessIt>
size_t r_count_repeat(RandomAccessIt last) noexcept
auto it = last;
auto &val = *it;
do {
} while (*it == val);
return last - it;
template <class string,
class size_type = typename string::size_type>
struct character_count
"size_type should be unsigned");
"size_type should not be empty");
using str_size_t = typename string::size_type;
using str_it = typename string::iterator;
static_assert(std::is_same<typename string::value_type, char>::value,
"Only support ASCII");
static_assert(sizeof(size_type) <= sizeof(str_size_t),
"size_type should not be bigger than typename string::size_type");
string str;
str_it in;
str_it out;
str_it end;
size_type len;
void cnt_repeat() noexcept
assert(in != end);
len = count_repeat<size_type>(in, str.end());
void advance_in() noexcept
assert(in != end);
in += len;
assert(in <= end);
void process_impl()
assert(in != end);
assert(out <= in);
// The main loop
do {
if (len > 1 || out < in) {
*out = *in;
out = uitos(out + 1, len);
assert(out <= in);
} else {
auto first = find_enough_space();
auto deduced_first = write_backward();
assert(first == deduced_first);
} while (in != end);
auto find_enough_space()
assert(out == in);
auto first = in;
size_type bytes_required = 0;
do {
bytes_required += to_str_len<size_type>(len) + 1;
if (size_type(in - first) >= bytes_required) {
out = first + bytes_required;
return first;
} while (in != str.end());
auto first_offset = first - str.begin();
// Hopefully this path won't be executed.
auto new_size = first_offset + bytes_required;
auto original_size = str.size();
assert(new_size > original_size);
first = str.begin() + first_offset;
out = str.end();
in = str.begin() + original_size;
end = str.begin() + original_size;
return first;
auto write_backward() noexcept
auto original_out = out--;
auto original_in = in--;
do {
len = r_count_repeat<size_type>(in);
out = r_uitos(out, len);
*out-- = *((in -= len) + 1);
} while (out != in);
auto ret = out + 1;
out = original_out;
in = original_in;
return ret;
character_count(string &&arg):
str(std::move(arg)), in(str.begin()), out(str.begin()), end(str.end())
character_count(const string &arg):
str(arg), in(str.begin()), out(str.begin()), end(str.end())
* ```str``` should not be empty and should not have non-visible character
auto& process()
str.erase(out, str.end());
return *this;
auto& get_result() & noexcept
return str;
auto&& get_result() && noexcept
return std::move(str);
auto& get_result() const& noexcept
return str;
* ```str``` should not be empty and should not have non-visible character
auto& set_string(const string &arg) noexcept
str = arg;
in = str.begin();
out = str.begin();
end = str.end();
return *this;
* ```str``` should not be empty and should not have non-visible character
auto& set_string(string &&arg) noexcept
str = std::move(arg);
in = str.begin();
out = str.begin();
end = str.end();
return *this;
答案 2 :(得分:-1)
function charCount (str) {
const exp = /(\w)\1*/g
let matches = (str).match(exp)
let output = ''
matches.forEach(group => {
output += group[0] + group.length
return output
const str = 'abab'
const str2 = 'aaabbbcc'
console.log(charCount(str)) // a1b1a1b1
console.log(charCount(str2)) // a3b3c2