ASP NET <a> does not redirect

时间:2018-10-26 11:27:23

标签: click client href

I'm working on an ASP NET Proyect. I'm implementing a button that gets the user back to the top of the page.

I'm using mdboostrap.

<div class="fixed-action-btn smooth-scroll" style="bottom: 45px; right: 24px;">
    <a href="#top-section" class="btn-floating btn-large red">
          <i class="fa fa-arrow-up"></i>

And I have a label-test element with id="top-section".

When I click on the button, it doesn't work. It only works when I click right click > "Open in a new Tab".

I'm not using any selector in JQuery on tag.

I'd like some to tell me why it doens't work on click but it works on "Open in new Tab".

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