url: '/Main/updateTripundHoliday',
data: d.weekendLeave,
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (response) {
public bool updateHoliday(List<Holidaysclass> data)
for (var i = 0; i < data.Count(); i++)
insertHolidays(data.ElementAt(i).Date, data.ElementAt(i).Day, data.ElementAt(i).HolidayName, data.ElementAt(i).isActive, data.ElementAt(i).currentYear, data.ElementAt(i).isHolidayWeekend, data.ElementAt(i).OfficialID);
return true;
我的List<Holidaysclass> data
答案 0 :(得分:1)
url: '/Main/updateTripundHoliday',
data: d.weekendLeave,
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (response) {
public bool updateHoliday(List<Holidaysclass> data)
for (var i = 0; i < data.Count(); i++)
insertHolidays(data.ElementAt(i).Date, data.ElementAt(i).Day, data.ElementAt(i).HolidayName, data.ElementAt(i).isActive, data.ElementAt(i).currentYear, data.ElementAt(i).isHolidayWeekend, data.ElementAt(i).OfficialID);
return true;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
使用ajax get方法,我们不能将数据从客户端发送到服务器不是最好的方法。尝试使用POST方法将数据从客户端发送到服务器。
url: '/Main/updateTripundHoliday',
data: d.weekendLeave,
type: "POST",
答案 2 :(得分:0)
$(document).ready(function () {
var things = [
{ id: 1, color: 'yellow' },
{ id: 2, color: 'blue' },
{ id: 3, color: 'red' }
things = JSON.stringify({ 'things': things });
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
url: '/Home/PassThings',
data: things,
success: function () {
$('#result').html('"PassThings()" successfully called.');
failure: function (response) {
请点击此链接以获取更多信息: https://materializecss.com/media.html
答案 3 :(得分:0)
您不能在获取请求中发布数据。相反,您需要使用POST类型的请求。 这是您的更新请求。
url: '/Main/updateTripundHoliday',
data: d.weekendLeave,
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (response) {
答案 4 :(得分:0)
public pageReference getData(){
date sd = date.parse(sDate).toStartOfWeek();
date ed = date.parse(eDate);
hList = new list<Hours__c>([SELECT Name,Employee__r.Id,Date_worked__c,Employee__r.Offshore__c,Employee__r.Name,Employee__r.Department__c,Employee_Name__c,hours__c,Minutes__c,Hours_Decimal__c FROM Hours__c WHERE Type_of_Hours__c = 'Work' AND Date_worked__c >= :sd AND Date_worked__c <= :ed AND Employee__r.Department__c IN :selected ORDER BY Employee__r.Department__c,Date_worked__c,Employee__r.Name LIMIT 3000]);
wrap = new list<wrapper>();
string tempDepartment;
string tempEmpName;
date tempWorkDate;
date tempStart = sd;
decimal offshore = 0;
decimal onshore = 0;
decimal totalOffshore = 0;
decimal totalOnShore = 0;
decimal dateCount = 0;
decimal aggreagteTotal = 0;
integer hitLimit = 3000;
integer rpwp = 0;
integer compareRPWP = 0;
boolean fired = false;
boolean dateChanged = false;
boolean dateCountis13 = false;
map<date,integer> mapDateCount = new map<date,integer>();
if(hList.size() > 0 && hList.size() < hitLimit){
noResults = false;
for(Hours__c h: hList){
//initiate a new wrapper for each department as a primary header
if( (h.Employee__r.Department__c != null && ((tempDepartment != null && tempDepartment != h.Employee__r.Department__c) || ( tempDepartment == null)) ) ){
fired = true;
tempDepartment = h.Employee__r.Department__c;
wrap.add(new wrapper(null,null,null,null,null,tempDepartment,'','','',null,'',''));
fired = false;
if(fired || dateCountis13){
dateCountis13 = false;
dateCount = 0;
totalOffshore = 0;
totalOnShore = 0;
//initiate a new wrapper for each new week period, total employee hours for each week period for each department
if(fired || (h.Date_worked__c != null && ((tempWorkDate != null && tempWorkDate != h.Date_worked__c) || ( tempWorkDate == null)) ) || (h.Employee__r.Department__c != null && ((tempDepartment != null && tempDepartment != h.Employee__r.Department__c) || ( tempDepartment == null)) ) ){
dateChanged = true;
tempWorkDate = h.Date_worked__c;
offshore = 0;
onshore = 0;
rpwp = 0;
for(Hours__c h1: hList){
//get count of each record that is inside a given week period
if(h1.Date_worked__c == tempWorkDate && h1.Employee__r.Department__c == tempDepartment){
//logic for totaling offshore hours by date and department
if(h1.Date_worked__c == tempWorkDate && h1.Employee__r.Offshore__c && h1.Employee__r.Department__c == tempDepartment){
offshore += h1.Hours_Decimal__c != null ? h1.Hours_Decimal__c : 0;
//logic for totaling onshore hours by date and department
if(h1.Date_worked__c == tempWorkDate && h1.Employee__r.Offshore__c == false && h1.Employee__r.Department__c == tempDepartment){
onshore += h1.Hours_Decimal__c != null ? h1.Hours_Decimal__c : 0;
system.debug('rpwp: ' + rpwp);
wrap.add(new wrapper(h.Date_worked__c.toStartOfWeek(),h.Date_worked__c,onshore,offshore,null,'total','','','',null,'',''));
totalOffshore += offshore;
totalOnShore += onshore;
system.debug('OffShore: ' + offshore + ' ' + tempWorkDate.format());
system.debug('OnShore: ' + onshore + ' ' + tempWorkDate.format());
dateChanged = false;
//initiate a new wrapper for each record and give the ability to open and collapse all records under a given total week period
// functionality now does an aggregate total of employee's that have multiple hour entrees for each week period.
if( dateChanged || (h.Employee__r.Name != null && ((tempEmpName != null && tempEmpName != h.Employee__r.Name) || ( tempEmpName == null)) ) ){
tempEmpName = h.Employee__r.Name;
aggreagteTotal = 0;
for(Hours__c h2: hList){
if(tempEmpName == h2.Employee__r.Name && tempWorkDate == h2.Date_worked__c){
aggreagteTotal += h2.Hours_Decimal__c;
wrap.add(new wrapper(h.Date_worked__c.toStartOfWeek(),h.Date_worked__c,0,h.hours__c,aggreagteTotal,'collapse',h.Employee__r.Name,h.Employee__r.Id,h.Name,h.Employee__r.Offshore__c,h.Employee__r.Department__c,h.Date_worked__c.format() ));
wrap.add(new wrapper(h.Date_worked__c.toStartOfWeek(),h.Date_worked__c,h.hours__c,0,aggreagteTotal,'collapse',h.Employee__r.Name,h.Employee__r.Id,h.Name,h.Employee__r.Offshore__c,h.Employee__r.Department__c,h.Date_worked__c.format() ));
//compare record count on the outside loop to record count on the inner loop and set compare iterator to 0 if the date changes
compareRPWP = 0;
system.debug('compareRPWP: ' + compareRPWP );
//if on the 13th week -- initiate a new wrapper and get quarterly totals -- compare record count so that inner loop matches outer loop
if( (dateCount == 13 && compareRPWP == rpwp) ){
system.debug('totalOffshore: ' + totalOffshore );
system.debug('totalOnShore: ' + totalOnShore );
dateCountis13 = true;
wrap.add(new wrapper(null,null,totalOnShore,totalOffshore,null,'quarter',tempDepartment,'','',null,'',''));
}else if(hList.size() <= 0){
noResults = true;
bannerMessage = 'Oops! No record found.';
}else if(hList.size() >= hitLimit){
noResults = true;
bannerMessage = 'Oops! 3000 Record limit hit.';
noResults = true;
bannerMessage = 'Oops! 50000 record limit hit.';
system.debug('wrap: ' + wrap);
system.debug('hList: ' + hList);
return null;
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