
时间:2018-10-26 08:38:28

标签: robotframework


*** Settings ***
Resource  ../settings.robot

*** Variables ***
${modified_date_row_1}       css=#estimateTable > tbody > tr.item-name.highlighted > td:nth-child(4)

*** Test Cases ***
Last modified/created estimates should top the list of estimates displayed
  Verify that the last last modified/created estimate tops the list

*** Keywords ***
Compare system time retrieved at the time of creation with time recorded in the layout
  Sleep  5s
  ${get_modified_date_row_1}  Get Text  ${modified_date_row_1}
  ${compare}  Should Be Equal  ${get_modified_date_row_1}  ${date_time}

Add time to sys time and compare it with time recorded in the layout
  Sleep  5s
  ${get_modified_date_row_1}  Get Text  ${modified_date_row_1}
  ${add_time}  Add Time To Date  ${sys_date_time}  01:00
  ${converted_add_time}  Convert Date  ${add_time}  result_format=%b %d %Y %I:%M %p
  ${compare}  Should Be Equal  ${get_modified_date_row_1}  ${converted_add_time}

Subtract time from sys time and compare it with time recorded in the layout
  Sleep  5s
  ${get_modified_date_row_1}  Get Text  ${modified_date_row_1}
  ${subtract_time}  Subtract Time From Date  ${sys_date_time}  01:00
  ${converted_sub_time}  Convert Date  ${subtract_time}  result_format=%b %d %Y %I:%M %p
  ${compare}  Should Be Equal  ${get_modified_date_row_1}  ${converted_sub_time}

 Verify that the last last modified/created estimate tops the list
   Run Keyword If  Compare system time retrieved at the time of creation with time recorded in the layout == 'FAIL'  Add time to sys time and compare it with time recorded in the layout
   ...  ELSE IF  Add time to sys time and compare it with time recorded in the layout == 'FAIL'  Subtract time from sys time and compare it with time recorded in the layout

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Verify that the last last modified/created estimate tops the list       

${Status1}=    Run Keyword and Return Status    Compare system time retrieved at the time of creation with time recorded in the layout

${Status2}=    Run Keyword If    '${Status1}'=='Fail'    Run Keyword and Return Status    Add time to sys time and compare it with time recorded in the layout

Run Keyword If    '${Status1}'=='Fail'    And    '${Status2}'=='Fail'    Subtract time from sys time and compare it with time recorded in the layout