我正在尝试在R中运行以下代码以从Reddit中提取json数据,并遇到以下错误消息,以获取代码的最后部分(#下面的代码#对于每个注释提取... );具体来说,我收到的消息是: filter(。,array.index == i)错误:找不到对象'array.index'。
有人可以告诉我我的编码哪里出问题了吗?我已经尝试过:用array_index替换array.index,用array.index = i替换array.index == i。请让我知道,非常感谢您的帮助。
# Find the level of the nested json object where the comment data is
comms<- res %>% enter_object("data") %>%
enter_object("children") %>%
# Prepare empty dataframe with all needed columns
df <- data.frame(id = character(), subreddit_id = character(),link_id = character(),
parent_id = character(), created_utc = numeric(), author = character(),
author_flair_text = character(), body = character())
# Helper function to extract needed values from json object
spread_vars<- function(json.df) {spread_values(json.df, id = jstring("id"),
subreddit_id = jstring("subreddit_id"),
link_id = jstring("link_id"),
parent_id = jstring("parent_id"),
created_utc = jnumber("created_utc"),
author = jstring("author"),
author_flair_text = jstring("author_flair_text"),
body = jstring("body"))}
# For each comment extract the needed values and add as row to the data frame
for (i in 1:nrow(comms))
{df <- do.call(rbind, list(df, comms %>% filter(array.index ==i) %>%
enter_object("data") %>%
spread_vars() %>%
select(-array.index, -document.id)))}