是否可以从ValueTuple <>自动映射到类属性?

时间:2018-10-25 16:51:51

标签: c# mapping valuetuple


var target = Mapper.Map(source).To<Dto>();

其中sourceIEnumerable<(string Foo, int Bar)>,而Dto是具有属性FooBar的类吗?


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

namespace MapFromDynamicsToComplex
    internal class Program
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            var source = DataAccessLayer.Method();
            //var target = Mapper.Map(source).To<Dto>();
            var parameterNames = string.Join(", ", Utilities.GetValueTupleNames(typeof(DataAccessLayer), nameof(DataAccessLayer.Method)));


    public class DataAccessLayer
        public static IEnumerable<(string Foo, int bar)> Method()
            return new List<(string Foo, int bar)>
                ValueTuple.Create("A", 1)

    public class Dto
        public string Foo { get; set; }
        public int Bar { get; set; }
        public object Baz { get; set; }

    public static class Utilities
        public static IEnumerable<string> GetValueTupleNames(Type source, string action)
            var method = source.GetMethod(action);
            var attr = method.ReturnParameter.GetCustomAttribute<TupleElementNamesAttribute>();

            return attr.TransformNames;

通过使用TupleElementNamesAttribute it is possible在运行时访问值元组元素,特别是它的名称。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



public static class Mapper
  public static TupleMapper<TTuple> FromTuple<TTuple>(Expression<Func<TTuple>> tupleSource) where TTuple : struct, ITuple
    if (!(tupleSource.Body is MethodCallExpression call))
      throw new ArgumentException("Argument must be method call returning tuple type", nameof(tupleSource));

    var tupleNamesAttribute = call.Method.ReturnParameter.GetCustomAttribute<TupleElementNamesAttribute>();

    var compiledTupleSource = tupleSource.Compile();

    return new TupleMapper<TTuple>(compiledTupleSource(), tupleNamesAttribute.TransformNames);

public struct TupleMapper<TTuple> where TTuple : struct, ITuple
  private readonly IList<string> _names;
  private readonly TTuple _tuple;

  public TupleMapper(TTuple tuple, IList<string> names)
    _tuple = tuple;
    _names = names;

  public T Map<T>() where T : new()
    var instance = new T();
    var instanceType = typeof(T);

    for (var i = 0; i < _names.Count; i++)
      var instanceProp = instanceType.GetProperty(_names[i]);
      instanceProp.SetValue(instance, _tuple[i]);

    return instance;


static void Main(string[] args)
  var dto = Mapper.FromTuple(() => ReturnsATuple()).Map<Dto>();

  Console.WriteLine($"Foo: {dto.Foo}, Bar: {dto.Bar}");


public static (string Foo, int Bar) ReturnsATuple()
  return ("A", 1);

class Dto
  public string Foo { get; set; }
  public int Bar { get; set; }

答案 1 :(得分:1)



public static class Utilities {
    // ***
    // *** MemberInfo Extensions
    // ***
    public static Type GetMemberType(this MemberInfo member) {
        switch (member) {
            case FieldInfo mfi:
                return mfi.FieldType;
            case PropertyInfo mpi:
                return mpi.PropertyType;
            case EventInfo mei:
                return mei.EventHandlerType;
                throw new ArgumentException("MemberInfo must be if type FieldInfo, PropertyInfo or EventInfo", nameof(member));

    public static object GetValue(this MemberInfo member, object srcObject) {
        switch (member) {
            case FieldInfo mfi:
                return mfi.GetValue(srcObject);
            case PropertyInfo mpi:
                return mpi.GetValue(srcObject);
                throw new ArgumentException("MemberInfo must be of type FieldInfo or PropertyInfo", nameof(member));
    public static T GetValue<T>(this MemberInfo member, object srcObject) => (T)member.GetValue(srcObject);

    public static void SetValue<T>(this MemberInfo member, object destObject, T value) {
        switch (member) {
            case FieldInfo mfi:
                mfi.SetValue(destObject, value);
            case PropertyInfo mpi:
                mpi.SetValue(destObject, value);
                throw new ArgumentException("MemberInfo must be of type FieldInfo or PropertyInfo", nameof(member));

    public static IEnumerable<string> GetValueTupleNames(Type source, string action) {
        var method = source.GetMethod(action);
        var attr = method.ReturnParameter.GetCustomAttribute<TupleElementNamesAttribute>();

        return attr.TransformNames;

    public class MapSource {
        public IEnumerable src { get; }
        public Type srcType { get; }
        public Type methodClass { get; }
        public string methodReturnsTupleName { get; }

        public MapSource(IEnumerable src, Type srcType, Type methodClass, string methodReturnsTupleName) {
            this.src = src;
            this.srcType = srcType;
            this.methodClass = methodClass;
            this.methodReturnsTupleName = methodReturnsTupleName;

    public static MapSource TupleMapper<VT>(this IEnumerable<VT> src, Type sourceClass, string methodReturnsTupleName) =>
        new MapSource(src, typeof(VT), sourceClass, methodReturnsTupleName);

    public static IEnumerable<T> To<T>(this MapSource ms) where T : new() {
        var srcNames = GetValueTupleNames(ms.methodClass, ms.methodReturnsTupleName).Take(ms.srcType.GetFields().Length).ToList();
        var srcMIs = srcNames.Select((Name, i) => new { ItemMI = ms.srcType.GetMember($"Item{i + 1}")[0], i, Name })
                             .ToDictionary(min => min.Name, min => min.ItemMI);
        var destMIs = srcNames.Select(n => new { members = typeof(T).GetMember(n), Name = n })
                              .Where(mn => mn.members.Length == 1 && srcMIs[mn.Name].GetMemberType() == mn.members[0].GetMemberType())
                              .Select(mn => new { DestMI = mn.members[0], mn.Name })

        foreach (var s in ms.src) {
            var ans = new T();
            foreach (var MIn in destMIs)
                MIn.DestMI.SetValue(ans, srcMIs[MIn.Name].GetValue(s));
            yield return ans;


var target = source.TupleMapper(typeof(DataAccessLayer), nameof(DataAccessLayer.Method)).To<Dto>().ToList();

答案 2 :(得分:0)

这里的基本困难是namedTuple只是一个语法糖,您无法在运行时使用Tuple Name。



这些同义词由编译器和语言处理,因此   您可以有效使用命名元组。 IDE和编辑器可以阅读这些内容   使用Roslyn API的语义名称。您可以引用元素   在相同位置的任何语义名称中命名元组   部件。 编译器将您定义的名称替换为Item *   等价于生成编译输出时。   Microsoft中间语言(MSIL)不包括名称   您已经指定了这些元素。

这迫使您在运行时使用Item *。



public static Dto ToDto((string, int) source , string[] nameMapping)
        var dto = new Dto();
        var propertyInfo1 = typeof(Dto).GetProperty(nameMapping[0]);
        propertyInfo1?.SetValue(dto, source.Item1);
        var propertyInfo2 = typeof(Dto).GetProperty(nameMapping[1]);
        propertyInfo2?.SetValue(dto, source.Item2);
        return dto;


public static Dto ToDto2((string, int) source, string[] nameMapping)
            var dic = new Dictionary<string, object> {{nameMapping[0], source.Item1}, {nameMapping[1], source.Item2}};
            return new Dto {Foo = (string)dic[nameMapping[0]], Bar = (int)dic[nameMapping[1]]};


反射具有某种程度的类型安全性,但是它很慢,当您有大量数据时,性能是一个问题,对于dictionary来说,类型安全性较差,但性能会更好(理论上,未经测试) ),对于您的问题,类型安全性是一个基本问题,您只需要使用防御性编码并具有更好的错误处理能力,或训练API用户按规则进行操作,我认为类型安全性反射不会给您带来任何麻烦做很多事。