EnumTypeID ParentEnumTypeID
1 Null
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 2
6 3
7 1
8 7
我想做的是找到任何子级的最终父级,其中1是最大层次结构值(在系统中,1是根列表,所有值都是1的后代)。 因此,对于任何提供的ID,我应该能够获得指定的最顶层父级,其父级为1(即始终返回第二层,其中enumtypeID的父级= 1)。 例如对于枚举类型6应该返回parentenumtypeid 2,枚举类型8应该返回7等等。 我以前确实有过一些东西,但似乎只返回了下一层而不是根值
WITH cte (enumtypeid, parentenumtypeid) AS
SELECT EnumTypeId,ParentEnumTypeId FROM EnumType WITH (NOLOCK)
e.enumtypeid, e.parentenumtypeid
FROM EnumType e
INNER JOIN cte ON cte.parentenumtypeid=e.EnumTypeId
WHERE e.ParentEnumTypeId IS NULL AND e.ParentEnumTypeId != '1'
declare @planguagecode nvarchar(3) = 'ENU'
declare @putcoffset int = 1
WITH ChangeEnum (enumtypeid, parentenumtypeid) AS
SELECT EnumTypeId,ParentEnumTypeId FROM EnumType WITH (NOLOCK)
e.enumtypeid, e.parentenumtypeid
FROM EnumType e
INNER JOIN ChangeEnum ON ChangeEnum.parentenumtypeid=e.EnumTypeId
WHERE e.ParentEnumTypeId IS NULL AND e.ParentEnumTypeId != '28F88C04-D11D-78C0-A237-FA9ABD6C6478'
crq.Id_9A505725_E2F2_447F_271B_9B9F4F0D190C as 'id',
crq.Title_9691DD10_7211_C835_E3E7_6B38AF8B8104 as 'title',
COALESCE(sds.DisplayName, 'No Status') as 'status',
COALESCE(cds.DisplayName, 'Uncategorised') as 'category',
COALESCE(ads.DisplayName, 'Not Assigned') as 'area',
COALESCE(rds.DisplayName,'Not Assessed') as 'risk',
COALESCE(pds.DisplayName,'Not Assigned') as 'priority',
COALESCE(CASE WHEN rads.DisplayName != ads.DisplayName THEN RADS.DisplayName ELSE ADS.Displayname END,'Not Assigned') as 'rootarea',
CONVERT(VARCHAR(16),DATEADD(mi, @pUTCOffset, crq.CreatedDate_6258638D_B885_AB3C_E316_D00782B8F688),120) as 'created',
CONVERT(VARCHAR(16),DATEADD(mi, @pUTCOffset, crq.ScheduledStartDate_89429D01_365C_366D_FCDA_3198102B180C),120) as 'start',
CONVERT(VARCHAR(16),DATEADD(mi, @pUTCOffset, crq.ScheduledEndDate_6FC72C26_565D_CB2A_BBAF_6A699C15FE99),120) as 'end'
FROM MTV_System$WorkItem$ChangeRequest crq WITH (NOLOCK)
LEFT JOIN DisplayStringView rds WITH (NOLOCK) ON crq.Risk_B9DCB168_B698_6864_E562_08F986C1D4E0 = rds.LTStringId AND rds.LanguageCode = @pLanguageCode
LEFT JOIN DisplayStringView ads WITH (NOLOCK) ON crq.Area_BC1C6C5B_F242_D568_BE10_FC23CD14655A = ads.LTStringId AND ads.LanguageCode = @pLanguageCode
LEFT JOIN DisplayStringView sds WITH (NOLOCK) ON crq.Status_72C1BC70_443C_C96F_A624_A94F1C857138 = sds.LTStringID AND sds.LanguageCode = @pLanguageCode
LEFT JOIN DisplayStringView cds WITH (NOLOCK) ON crq.Category_7B1892FE_108A_EC85_064D_7815C2DFC442 = cds.LTStringID AND cds.LanguageCode = @pLanguageCode
LEFT JOIN DisplayStringView pds WITH (NOLOCK) ON crq.Priority_B1226A17_0705_8F13_1ED4_74A38D2E1707 = pds.LTStringId AND pds.LanguageCode = @pLanguageCode
LEFT JOIN ChangeEnum ce on crq.Area_BC1C6C5B_F242_D568_BE10_FC23CD14655A=ce.enumtypeid
LEFT JOIN DisplayStringView rads WITH (NOLOCK) ON ce.parentenumtypeid = RADS.LTStringId AND RADS.LanguageCode = @pLanguageCode AND RADS.LTStringId ! ='28F88C04-D11D-78C0-A237-FA9ABD6C6478'
crq.ScheduledStartDate_89429D01_365C_366D_FCDA_3198102B180C IS NOT NULL /* Scheduled */ AND
crq.Status_72C1BC70_443C_C96F_A624_A94F1C857138 = '6d6c64dd-07ac-aaf5-f812-6a7cceb5154d' /* In Progress */
答案 0 :(得分:0)
declare @leaf int = 6
while exists (select * from enums where parentenumtypeid <> 1 and enumtypeid = @leaf)
select @leaf = parentenumtypeid from enums where enumtypeid = @leaf;
print @leaf;
CREATE FUNCTION FindCustomParent (@input VARCHAR(250))
declare @output int
set @output = @input
while exists (select * from ChangeEnum where parentenumtypeid <> '28F88C04-D11D-78C0-A237-FA9ABD6C6478' and enumtypeid = @output)
select @output = parentenumtypeid from ChangeEnum where enumtypeid = @output;
return @output
crq.Id_9A505725_E2F2_447F_271B_9B9F4F0D190C as 'id',
crq.Title_9691DD10_7211_C835_E3E7_6B38AF8B8104 as 'title',
COALESCE(sds.DisplayName, 'No Status') as 'status',
COALESCE(cds.DisplayName, 'Uncategorised') as 'category',
COALESCE(ads.DisplayName, 'Not Assigned') as 'area',
COALESCE(rds.DisplayName,'Not Assessed') as 'risk',
COALESCE(pds.DisplayName,'Not Assigned') as 'priority',
COALESCE(CASE WHEN rads.DisplayName != ads.DisplayName THEN RADS.DisplayName ELSE ADS.Displayname END,'Not Assigned') as 'rootarea',
CONVERT(VARCHAR(16),DATEADD(mi, @pUTCOffset, crq.CreatedDate_6258638D_B885_AB3C_E316_D00782B8F688),120) as 'created',
CONVERT(VARCHAR(16),DATEADD(mi, @pUTCOffset, crq.ScheduledStartDate_89429D01_365C_366D_FCDA_3198102B180C),120) as 'start',
CONVERT(VARCHAR(16),DATEADD(mi, @pUTCOffset, crq.ScheduledEndDate_6FC72C26_565D_CB2A_BBAF_6A699C15FE99),120) as 'end',
dbo.FindFirstParent(crq.Area_BC1C6C5B_F242_D568_BE10_FC23CD14655A) as Parent
FROM MTV_System$WorkItem$ChangeRequest crq WITH (NOLOCK)
LEFT JOIN DisplayStringView rds WITH (NOLOCK) ON crq.Risk_B9DCB168_B698_6864_E562_08F986C1D4E0 = rds.LTStringId AND rds.LanguageCode = @pLanguageCode
LEFT JOIN DisplayStringView ads WITH (NOLOCK) ON crq.Area_BC1C6C5B_F242_D568_BE10_FC23CD14655A = ads.LTStringId AND ads.LanguageCode = @pLanguageCode
LEFT JOIN DisplayStringView sds WITH (NOLOCK) ON crq.Status_72C1BC70_443C_C96F_A624_A94F1C857138 = sds.LTStringID AND sds.LanguageCode = @pLanguageCode
LEFT JOIN DisplayStringView cds WITH (NOLOCK) ON crq.Category_7B1892FE_108A_EC85_064D_7815C2DFC442 = cds.LTStringID AND cds.LanguageCode = @pLanguageCode
LEFT JOIN DisplayStringView pds WITH (NOLOCK) ON crq.Priority_B1226A17_0705_8F13_1ED4_74A38D2E1707 = pds.LTStringId AND pds.LanguageCode = @pLanguageCode
LEFT JOIN ChangeEnum ce on crq.Area_BC1C6C5B_F242_D568_BE10_FC23CD14655A=ce.enumtypeid
LEFT JOIN DisplayStringView rads WITH (NOLOCK) ON ce.parentenumtypeid = RADS.LTStringId AND RADS.LanguageCode = @pLanguageCode AND RADS.LTStringId ! ='28F88C04-D11D-78C0-A237-FA9ABD6C6478'
crq.ScheduledStartDate_89429D01_365C_366D_FCDA_3198102B180C IS NOT NULL /* Scheduled */ AND
crq.Status_72C1BC70_443C_C96F_A624_A94F1C857138 = '6d6c64dd-07ac-aaf5-f812-6a7cceb5154d' /* In Progress */
答案 1 :(得分:0)
-- Sample data.
declare @Enums as Table ( EnumTypeId Int Identity, ParentEnumTypeId Int );
insert into @Enums ( ParentEnumTypeId ) values
( NULL ), ( 1 ), ( 2 ), ( 3 ), ( 2 ), ( 3 ), ( 1 ), ( 7 );
select * from @Enums;
-- Walk the tree tracking the parentage.
Enums as (
-- Start at the roots which have a NULL parent.
select EnumTypeId, ParentEnumTypeId, Cast( NULL as Int ) as PenultimateParentEnumTypeId, 0 as Depth
from @Enums
where ParentEnumTypeId is NULL
union all
-- Add each level of leaves.
select CE.EnumTypeId, CE.ParentEnumTypeId,
-- If the parent has no parent or, equivalently, the parent's depth is zero, then capture the
-- child's EnumTypeId .
case when E.ParentEnumTypeId is NULL then CE.EnumTypeId else PenultimateParentEnumTypeId end,
-- case when E.Depth = 0 then CE.EnumTypeId else PenultimateParentEnumTypeId end,
E.Depth + 1
from Enums as E inner join
@Enums as CE on CE.ParentEnumTypeId = E.EnumTypeId )
-- Output the results.
select EnumTypeId, ParentEnumTypeId, PenultimateParentEnumTypeId, Depth
from Enums
order by EnumTypeId;