
时间:2018-10-25 09:18:17

标签: java json spring jackson swagger

在这种情况下,我有两个pojo类(一个正在扩展另一个)。 我的父级pojo类请求具有不包含wrapperobject的jsoninclude,并且当我通过wrapperobject传递时,我的孩子应该工作相同。


//sample parent pojo class with json properties
@XmlRootElement(name = "employee")
//and tired included this also in employee class
//tired with annotations also
//@JsonTypeInfo(include = As.WRAPPER_OBJECT, use = Id.NAME)
//@JsonSubTypes(value = {@Type(value = EmployeeV2.class)})
public class Employee{
private empid;
private empname;
//with getters and setters
//to register the subtypes into the parent pojo


Now i have extended the same POJO as
//my child pojo class
Class EmployeeV2 extends Employee{

My new version API is not getting invoked when i pass my request with **wrapper object**
//request with wrapper object
 "empid": "121",
 "empname": "TestDownloadJob1"

working fine without the wrapper object,request without wrapperobject
 "empid": "121",
 "empname": "TestDownloadJob1"

at the controller layer added the **@ExposesResourceFor(EmployeeV2.class)** where my class can accept array of resources.

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