
时间:2018-10-24 05:30:39

标签: .net vb.net timer


   Public Function CreateDummyDatatable() As DataTable
        tempCompoTable = New DataTable()
        Dim col As DataColumn = New DataColumn("CReportID")
        col.DataType = Type.GetType("System.String")

        Dim col1 As DataColumn = New DataColumn("iIntervalMinute")
        col1.DataType = Type.GetType("System.Int32")

        Dim col2 As DataColumn = New DataColumn("dbActiob")
        col2.DataType = Type.GetType("System.DateTime")

        tempCompoTable.Rows.Add("Report-A", 3, DateTime.Now) ''sends remainder in every 3 minutes
        tempCompoTable.Rows.Add("Report-b", 2, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-5)) '' sends remainder in every 2 minutes
        tempCompoTable.Rows.Add("Report-c", 5, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-3))  '' send remainder in every 5 minute

        Return tempCompoTable
    End Function


Public Sub RunSchedular(ByVal timerinterval As Integer)
    If tempCompoTable IsNot Nothing AndAlso tempCompoTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then

        For Each dvRow As DataRowView In tempCompoTable.DefaultView
            Dim CReportID As String = dvRow("CReportID").ToString()
            Dim iRemindInterval As Integer = dvRow("iIntervalMinute")
            Dim dtDocReceivedTime As DateTime=DateTime.Parse(dvRow("dbActiob"))           

            Dim rTotalPendingHours As Double = DateTime.Now.Subtract(dtDocReceivedTime ).TotalMinutes

            Dim iCompletedReaminderCount As Integer = rTotalPendingHours \ iRemindInterval
            Dim iminutesafterlastremainder As Integer = rTotalPendingHours Mod iRemindInterval
            Dim dtCalculatedlastremainder As DateTime = dtDoccumentReceivedTime.AddHours(iCompletedReaminderCount * iRemindInterval)

            'Help Required to Find Logic here
            '  If remainder time is alapsed and no mail was sent after time elapsed
            ' sentremainder(CReportID)

            '  End If
    End If
End Sub

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