我在CLIPS中有一个学校项目,在模式匹配方面遇到了一些问题。这是基于规则的系统中的推箱子游戏。 机器人必须将箱子推入仓库,它可以上下左右移动-这些是向右移动的规则,等等。 然后,如果它碰到自己旁边的盒子,则应该将其推入。 如果箱子在仓库旁边,则应将其推入其中。
(defglobal ?*nod-gen* = 0)
(defglobal ?*sizex* = 0)
(defglobal ?*sizey* = 0)
(defrule board-fit
?f <- (board ?sizex1 ?sizey1)
(bind ?*sizex* ?sizex1)
(bind ?*sizey* ?sizey1))
(defmethod float ((?s STRING))
(float (string-to-field ?s)))
(defrule move-right
?f1<-(robot ?x ?y boxes $?b1 ?bx ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level ?lvl)
?f2<-(wall ?wl1 ?yl1)
(max-depth ?prof)
(test (< ?lvl ?prof))
(test (not (> ?x ?*sizex*)))
(test (and (neq (+ ?x 1) ?wl1) (neq ?y ?yl1)))
(test (and (neq (+ ?x 1) ?bx) (neq ?y ?by)))
(test (and (neq (+ ?x 1) ?wx) (neq ?y ?wy)))
(retract ?f1)
(assert (robot (+ ?x 1) ?y boxes $?b1 ?bx ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level (+ ?lvl 1)))
(bind ?*nod-gen* (+ ?*nod-gen* 1)))
(defrule move-left
?f1<-(robot ?x ?y boxes $?b1 ?bx ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level ?lvl)
?f2<-(wall ?wl1 ?yl1)
(max-depth ?prof)
(test (< ?lvl ?prof))
(test (neq ?x 0))
(test (and (neq (- ?x 1) ?wl1) (neq ?y ?yl1)))
(test (and (neq (- ?x 1) ?bx) (neq ?y ?by)))
(test (and (neq (- ?x 1) ?wx) (neq ?y ?wy)))
(retract ?f1)
(assert (robot (- ?x 1) ?y boxes $?b1 ?bx ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level (+ ?lvl 1)))
(bind ?*nod-gen* (+ ?*nod-gen* 1)))
(defrule move-up
?f1<-(robot ?x ?y boxes $?b1 ?bx ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level ?lvl)
?f2<-(wall ?wl1 ?yl1)
(max-depth ?prof)
(test (< ?lvl ?prof))
(test (> ?y ?*sizey*))
(test (and (neq ?x ?wl1) (neq (+ ?y 1) ?yl1)))
(test (and (neq ?x ?bx) (neq (+ ?y 1) ?by)))
(test (and (neq ?x ?wx) (neq (+ ?y 1) ?wy)))
(assert (robot ?x (+ ?y 1) boxes $?b1 ?bx ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level (+ ?lvl 1)))
(bind ?*nod-gen* (+ ?*nod-gen* 1)))
(defrule move-down
?f1<-(robot ?x ?y boxes $?b1 ?bx ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level ?lvl)
?f2<-(wall ?wl1 ?yl1)
(max-depth ?prof)
(test (< ?lvl ?prof))
(test (not (= ?y 0)))
(test (and (neq ?x ?wl1) (neq (- ?y 1) ?yl1)))
(test (and (neq ?x ?bx) (neq (- ?y 1) ?by)))
(test (and (neq ?x ?wx) (neq (- ?y 1) ?wy)))
(assert (robot ?x (- ?y 1) boxes $?b1 ?bx ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level (+ ?lvl 1)))
(bind ?*nod-gen* (+ ?*nod-gen* 1)))
(defrule push-right
?f1<-(robot ?x ?y boxes $?b1 ?bx ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level ?lvl)
?f2<-(wall ?wl1 ?yl1)
(max-depth ?prof)
(test (< ?lvl ?prof))
(test (< ?bx (- ?*sizex* 1)))
(test (and (neq (+ ?x 2) ?wl1) (neq ?y ?yl1)))
(test (not (and (neq (+ ?x 1) ?bx) (neq ?y ?by))))
(test (and (neq (+ ?x 2) ?wx) (neq ?y ?wy)))
(test (neq ?x 0))
(retract ?f1)
(assert (robot (+ ?x 1) ?y boxes $?b1 (+ ?bx 1) ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level (+ ?lvl 1)))
(bind ?*nod-gen* (+ ?*nod-gen* 1)))
(defrule push-left
?f1<-(robot ?x ?y boxes $?b1 ?bx ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level ?lvl)
?f2<-(wall ?wl1 ?yl1)
(max-depth ?prof)
(test (< ?lvl ?prof))
(test (eq (- ?x 1) ?bx))
(test (> 0 ?bx))
(test (eq ?x 0))
(test (not (and (neq (- ?x 2) ?wl1) (neq ?y ?yl1))))
(test (and (eq (- ?x 1) ?bx) (eq ?y ?by)))
(test (not (and (eq (- ?x 2) ?wx) (eq ?y ?wy))))
(retract ?f1)
(assert (robot ?x (+ ?y 1) boxes $?b1 ?bx (+ ?by 1) $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level (+ ?lvl 1)))
(bind ?*nod-gen* (+ ?*nod-gen* 1)))
(defrule push-up
?f1<-(robot ?x ?y boxes $?b1 ?bx ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level ?lvl)
?f2<-(wall ?wl1 ?yl1)
(max-depth ?prof)
(test (< ?lvl ?prof))
(test (eq (+ ?y 1) ?by))
(test (< 0 ?by))
(test (neq ?y 0))
(test (not (and (eq ?x ?wl1) (eq (+ ?y 2) ?yl1))))
(test (and (eq (- ?x 1) ?bx) (eq (+ ?y 1) ?by)))
(test (not (and (eq ?x ?wx) (eq (+ ?y 2) ?wy))))
(retract ?f1)
(assert (robot ?x (+ ?y 1) boxes $?b1 ?bx (+ ?by 1) $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level (+ ?lvl 1)))
(bind ?*nod-gen* (+ ?*nod-gen* 1)))
(defrule push-down
?f1<-(robot ?x ?y boxes $?b1 ?bx ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level ?lvl)
?f2<-(wall ?wl1 ?yl1)
(max-depth ?prof)
(test (< ?lvl ?prof))
(test (eq (- ?y 1) ?by))
(test (< ?by (- ?*sizey* 1)))
(test (neq ?y 0))
(test (not (and (eq ?x ?wl1) (eq (- ?y 2) ?yl1))))
(test (and (eq (- ?x 1) ?bx) (eq (- ?y 1) ?by)))
(test (not (and (eq ?x ?wx) (eq (- ?y 2) ?wy))))
(retract ?f1)
(assert (robot ?x (- ?y 1) boxes $?b1 ?bx (- ?by 1) $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level (+ ?lvl 1)))
(bind ?*nod-gen* (+ ?*nod-gen* 1)))
(defrule push-right-to-wh
?f1<-(robot ?x ?y boxes $?b1 ?bx ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level ?lvl)
?f2<-(wall ?wl1 ?yl1)
(max-depth ?prof)
(test (< ?lvl ?prof))
(test (< ?bx (- ?*sizex* 1)))
(test (and (eq (+ ?bx 1) ?wx) (eq ?wy ?by)))
(test (and (eq (+ ?x 1) ?bx) (eq ?y ?by)))
(retract ?f1)
(assert (robot (+ ?x 1) ?y boxes $?b1 (+ ?bx 1) ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 1 $?w2 level (+ ?lvl 1)))
(bind ?*nod-gen* (+ ?*nod-gen* 1)))
(defrule push-left-to-wh
?f1<-(robot ?x ?y boxes $?b1 ?bx ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level ?lvl)
?f2<-(wall ?wl1 ?yl1)
(max-depth ?prof)
(test (< ?lvl ?prof))
(test (> ?bx 0))
(test (and (eq (- ?x 1) ?bx) (eq ?y ?by)))
(test (and (eq (- ?bx 1) ?wx) (eq ?wy ?by)))
(assert (robot (- ?x 1) ?y boxes $?b1 (- ?bx 1) ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 1 $?w2 level (+ ?lvl 1)))
(bind ?*nod-gen* (+ ?*nod-gen* 1)))
(defrule push-down-to-wh
?f1<-(robot ?x ?y boxes $?b1 ?bx ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level ?lvl)
?f2<-(wall ?wl1 ?yl1)
(max-depth ?prof)
(test (and (< ?lvl ?prof) (< ?by (- ?*sizey* 1))))
(test (and (eq ?x ?bx) (eq (- ?y 1) ?by)))
(test (and (eq ?bx ?wx) (eq (- ?wy 1) ?by)))
(retract ?f1)
(assert (robot ?x (- ?y 1) boxes $?b1 ?bx (- ?by 1) $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 1 $?w2 level (+ ?lvl 1)))
(bind ?*nod-gen* (+ ?*nod-gen* 1)))
(defrule push-up-to-wh
?f1<-(robot ?x ?y boxes $?b1 ?bx ?by $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 0 $?w2 level ?lvl)
?f2<-(wall ?wl1 ?yl1)
(max-depth ?prof)
(test (and (< ?lvl ?prof) (> (float ?by) -1.0)))
(test (and (eq ?x ?bx) (eq (+ ?y 1) ?by)))
(test (and (eq ?bx ?wx) (eq (+ ?wy 1) ?by)))
(retract ?f1)
(assert (robot ?x (+ ?y 1) boxes $?b1 ?bx (+ ?by 1) $?b2 warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 1 $?w2 level (+ ?lvl 1)))
(bind ?*nod-gen* (+ ?*nod-gen* 1)))
(defrule goal
?f<-(robot $? warehouses $?w1 ?wx ?wy 1 $?w2 level ?lvl)
(printout t "SOLUTION FOUND AT LEVEL " ?lvl crlf)
(printout t "NUMBER OF EXPANDED NODES OR TRIGGERED RULES " ?*nod-gen* crlf)
(printout t "GOAL FACT " ?f crlf)
(defrule no_solution
(robot $? level ?lvl)
(printout t "SOLUTION NOT FOUND" crlf)
(printout t "NUMBER OF EXPANDED NODES OR TRIGGERED RULES " ?*nod-gen* crlf)
(deffunction start ()
(printout t "Maximum depth:= " )
(bind ?prof (read))
(printout t "Search strategy " crlf " 1.- Breadth" crlf " 2.- Depth" crlf )
(bind ?a (read))
(if (= ?a 1)
then (set-strategy breadth)
else (set-strategy depth))
(printout t " Execute run to start the program " crlf)
(assert (max-depth ?prof))
[ARGACCES2] soktest.clp, Line 186: Function '>' expected argument #1 to be of type integer or float.
如何纠正它,所以它可能起作用? 我尝试使用覆盖的函数将变量转换为float,但是仍然无法正常工作。机器人只能上下移动。