
时间:2018-10-23 18:11:24

标签: python networking error-handling compiler-errors

我开始学习网络,并在其中一项练习中被要求 写一个服务器,对同一客户端多次响应 而我得到了这个错误

socket.error: [Errno 10053] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

我想问问题是否出在软件而不是我的程序上,或者是我的程序上。 这是我的服务器和客户端(我警告他们很长:D)


import socket
import time
import random

def message_init(client_socket):
    this method gets the socket of the client
    and waiting for a command from the client
    if the command is one of the commands the
    server is familiar with, the method returns
    a proper message. if its not a known command
    to the server, the server sends to the client
    'null' in order that it'll enter a new valid

# starting message with 'Garbage' in case when
# the client will insert unsupported commands
message = 'Garbage'

while message == 'Garbage':
    # waiting for a command from the client
    client_command = client_socket.recv(1024)
    length = client_command[0: 2:]
    request = client_command[2::]

    # message is the proper reply for the request from the client
    if request == 'TIME':
        # message is the local time
        message = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))

    elif request == 'NAME':
        # message is the name of the server
        message = "Daniel's Server"

    elif request == 'RAND':
        # message is a random integer between 1 - 10
        message = str(random.randint(1, 10))

    elif request == 'EXIT':
        # message is exit and closing the connection with the client
        message = 'EXIT'

    if request == 'Garbage':
        # sending 'null' to the client
        # in order that he'll sent a valid command

# returns a message in proper to the command
return message

def send_message(client_socket, message):
    Gets a message and the socket of the client
    sending to the client the number of bytes
    in the message and afterwards sending the
    message itself

    new_message = ''
    length = len(message)
    if length < 10:
        new_message += '0'

    new_message += str(length) + message

    # sending the message to the client

def main():
    binding with every client that tries to connect.
    getting a command from him, and if the command is
    valid, the server does what the command asks for.
    The proper Commands:
    TIME: returns a string of the local time.
    NAME: returns a string of the name of the server.
    RAND: returns a string of number between 1 - 10.
    EXIT: closing the connection with the client

    # creates a new socket
    server_socket = socket.socket()
        # binding with every client who asks for
        server_socket.bind(('', 1729))
        # waiting to get connection from a client
    except socket.error, e:
        print e

    connected = False
    # an infinite loop of connecting with a client
    # getting a command from a client and sending
    # him proper response
    while True:

        if not connected:

            # getting the client socket and his address
            # and accepting the new connection
            (client_socket, client_address) = server_socket.accept()
            connected = True

        # message gets a valid message using message_init function
        message = message_init(client_socket)

        if message != 'EXIT':
            # if there's still connection:
            send_message(client_socket, message)

            connected = False

    # closing the socket of the server
    # (although on the current server and client it won't happened)

if __name__ == '__main__':


import socket

def valid_cmd(command, commands):
    getting a command and a list of
    approved commands. returning the
    command when its one of the commands
    while command not in commands:

        # waiting until the client enters a valid command
        command = raw_input("Please enter one command of the following:"
                            " TIME, NAME, RAND or EXIT ")

    # returns the command if its in commands
    return command

def send_request_to_server(my_socket, request):
    getting a request and the socket
    sending to the server the request
    when there is its length before him
    in two digits.
    for example: 04RAND

    length = len(request)
    message = ''
    # putting a zero before so the length will
    # be in two digits form
    if length < 10:
        message += '0'

    message += str(length) + request

    # sending the message to the server

def handle_server_response(my_socket, commands):
    Receive the response from the server
    and handle it, according to the request

    # data gets the response from the server
    data = my_socket.recv(1024)

    # if the server returned null there was
    # a problem with the message so we ask
    # from the client to give us other message
    while data == 'null':

        message = raw_input("Please enter one command of the following:"
                        "TIME, NAME, RAND or EXIT")

        # checks whether the message is valid
        message = valid_cmd(message, commands)

        # sending the message to the server
        send_request_to_server(my_socket, message)

        # waiting for the server's response
        data = my_socket.recv(1024)

    # returns the data when it has valid value
    return data

def main():
    connecting to the home server
    sending it a command
    and printing the server's answer
    # creating a new socket
    my_socket = socket.socket()
        # connecting the client to the home server
        my_socket.connect(('', 1729))
    except Exception, e:
        print e

    # a list of the approved commands
    commands = ['TIME', 'NAME', 'RAND', 'EXIT']

    stopped = False
    while not stopped:
        # asking for an input of command
        message = raw_input()

            # making sure that message is one of the valid commands
            message = valid_cmd(message, commands)

            # sending the message to the server
            send_request_to_server(my_socket, message)

        except Exception, e:
            print e

        # data gets a valid response from the server
        data = handle_server_response(my_socket, commands)

        # checking it the server disconnected from the client
        if data == 'EXIT':
            stopped = True

        # keeping the length of the upcoming data
        # although there is no use for that on that program
        length = data[0: 2]

        # printing the data from the server
        print data[2::]

    # disconnecting from the server

    lst = ['a', 'b', 'c']
    assert valid_cmd('b', lst) == 'b', 'valid_cmd should return' \
                                       ' the given value if its ' \
                                       'already in the given list'

if __name__ == '__main__':

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