#include <Rcpp.h>
// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
//' @title Guess Vector Type
//' @description Function analyses content of a factor vector and attempts to
//' guess the correct type.
//' @param x A vector of factor class.
//' @return A scalar string with class name.
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::String guess_vector_type(Rcpp::IntegerVector x) {
// Define counters for all types
int num_doubles = 0;
int num_integers = 0;
int num_strings = 0;
// Converted strings
double converted_double;
int converted_integer;
// Get character vector with levels
Rcpp::StringVector levels = x.attr("levels");
// Get integer vector with values
// Rcpp::String type = x.sexp_type();
// Returns integer vector type
// Use iterator: https://teuder.github.io/rcpp4everyone_en/280_iterator.html
for(Rcpp::IntegerVector::iterator it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); ++it) {
// Get [] for vector element
int index = std::distance(x.begin(), it);
// Get value of a specific vector element
int element = x[index];
// Convert to normal string
std::string temp = Rcpp::as<std::string>(levels[element]);
// Try converting to an integer
converted_integer = std::stoi(temp);
// Try converting to a doubke
// Convert to ineteges
converted_double = std::stod(temp);
// Get max value of three variables
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/2233412/1655567
int max_val;
max_val = num_doubles > num_integers? (num_doubles > num_strings? num_doubles: num_strings): (num_integers > num_strings? num_integers: num_strings);
// Create results storage
Rcpp::String res;
// Check which value is matching max val
if (max_val == num_doubles) {
// Most converted to doubles
res = "double";
} else if (max_val == num_integers) {
res = "integer";
} else {
res = "character";
// Return results vector
return res;
test_factor <- as.factor(rep(letters, 3))
*** caught segfault ***
address 0xe1000013, cause 'memory not mapped'
我知道这与问题discussed here类似,但我不清楚错误在哪里。
Rcpp::String guess_vector_type(Rcpp::IntegerVector x) {
// Define counters for all types
int num_doubles = 0;
int num_integers = 0;
int num_strings = 0;
// Converted strings
double converted_double;
// flag for runnig more tests
bool is_number;
// Get character vector with levels
Rcpp::StringVector levels = x.attr("levels");
// Get integer vector with values
// Rcpp::String type = x.sexp_type();
// Returns integer vector type
// Use iterator: https://teuder.github.io/rcpp4everyone_en/280_iterator.html
for(Rcpp::IntegerVector::iterator it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); ++it) {
// Get [] for vector element
int index = std::distance(x.begin(), it);
// Get value of a specific vector element
int element = x[index];
// Convert to normal string
std::string temp = Rcpp::as<std::string>(levels[element - 1]);
// Reset number checking flag
is_number = 1;
// Attempt conversion to double
try {
converted_double = std::stod(temp);
} catch(...) {
// Conversion failed, increase string count
// Do not run more test
is_number = 0;
// If number run more tests
if (is_number == 1) {
// Check if converted string is an integer
if(floor(converted_double) == converted_double) {
// Increase counter for integer
} else {
// Increase count for doubles
// Get max value of three variables
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/2233412/1655567
int max_val;
max_val = num_doubles > num_integers? (num_doubles > num_strings? num_doubles: num_strings): (num_integers > num_strings? num_integers: num_strings);
// Create results storage
Rcpp::String res;
// Check which value is matching max val
if (max_val == num_doubles) {
// Most converted to doubles
res = "double";
} else if (max_val == num_integers) {
res = "integer";
} else {
res = "character";
// Return results vector
return res;
>> guess_vector_type(x = as.factor(letters))
[1] "character"
>> guess_vector_type(as.factor(1:10))
[1] "integer"
>> guess_vector_type(as.factor(runif(n = 1e3)))
[1] "double"
答案 0 :(得分:3)
std::string temp = Rcpp::as<std::string>(levels[element]);
std::string temp = Rcpp::as<std::string>(levels[element - 1]);
# [1] "character"
#include <Rcpp.h>
// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
//' @title Guess Vector Type
//' @description Function analyses content of a factor vector and attempts to
//' guess the correct type.
//' @param x A vector of factor class.
//' @return A scalar string with class name.
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::String guess_vector_type(Rcpp::IntegerVector x) {
// Define counters for all types
int num_doubles = 0;
int num_integers = 0;
int num_strings = 0;
// Converted strings
double converted_double;
int converted_integer;
// Get character vector with levels
Rcpp::StringVector levels = x.attr("levels");
// Get integer vector with values
// Rcpp::String type = x.sexp_type();
// Returns integer vector type
// Use iterator: https://teuder.github.io/rcpp4everyone_en/280_iterator.html
for(Rcpp::IntegerVector::iterator it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); ++it) {
// Get [] for vector element
int index = std::distance(x.begin(), it);
// Get value of a specific vector element
int element = x[index];
// Convert to normal string
std::string temp = Rcpp::as<std::string>(levels[element - 1]);
// Try converting to an integer
converted_integer = std::stoi(temp);
// Try converting to a doubke
// Convert to ineteges
converted_double = std::stod(temp);
// Get max value of three variables
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/2233412/1655567
int max_val;
max_val = num_doubles > num_integers? (num_doubles > num_strings? num_doubles: num_strings): (num_integers > num_strings? num_integers: num_strings);
// Create results storage
Rcpp::String res;
// Check which value is matching max val
if (max_val == num_doubles) {
// Most converted to doubles
res = "double";
} else if (max_val == num_integers) {
res = "integer";
} else {
res = "character";
// Return results vector
return res;
我在其他一些示例上进行了尝试,发现它不能如预期的那样工作于double,因为该程序能够将“ 42.18”转换为整数(例如)。但是,它确实可以清晰地区分整数/双精度和字符:
test_factor <- as.factor(rep(letters, 3))
# [1] "character"
test_factor <- as.factor(1:3)
# [1] "integer"
test_factor <- as.factor(c(letters, 1))
# [1] "character"
test_factor <- as.factor(c(1.234, 42.1138, "a"))
# [1] "integer"
无论如何,这是与问题中提出的问题完全不同的问题,例如,您可能要咨询this Stack Overflow post。