我想索引RGB图像内的某些特定像素。我是Python的新手,所以我实现了索引编制,就像在Java / C#中那样。
# Pane width (height)
pane_step, center = 20, 10
for i in range(0, field_size * pane_step, pane_step):
for j in range(0, field_size * pane_step, pane_step):
r, g, b, = img[i + center, center + j, :]
if (r, g, b) == (255, 0, 0):
grid[int(i / pane_step)][int(j / pane_step)] = 2
elif (r, g, b) == (0, 128, 0):
grid[int(i / pane_step)][int(j / pane_step)] = 1
elif (r, g, b) == (0, 0, 0):
grid[int(i / pane_step)][int(j / pane_step)] = -1
有没有一种更快,更“ pythonic”的方法可以给我相同的结果?
P.S。 img是一个numpy ndarray
答案 0 :(得分:0)
有没有更快,更“ pythonic”的方法,该方法可以使我 结果相同吗?
也许,这取决于您的操作是否可以向量化并在c层中完成(即,了解# Do stuff...
import numpy as np
img = np.arange(30000).reshape(100, 100, 3)
pane_step, center = 20, 10
field_size = 5
rs = []
gs = []
bs = []
# Original code
for i in range(0, field_size * pane_step, pane_step):
for j in range(0, field_size * pane_step, pane_step):
r, g, b, = img[i + center, center + j, :]
# You want center (i = 0) to field_size * pane_step + center (i=field_size * pane_step) going by pane_step for the first dim
# Same for second dim
# Use fancy indexing and slice notation instead of doing one ind at a time
r_fancy, g_fancy, b_fancy = img[center:center+pane_step*field_size:pane_step, center:center+pane_step*field_size:pane_step, :].T
r_fancy_list = [x for x in r_fancy.T.reshape(-1)]
g_fancy_list = [x for x in g_fancy.T.reshape(-1)]
b_fancy_list = [x for x in b_fancy.T.reshape(-1)]
# Same data, just a different "shape" and orientation (you could transpose the result right away)
assert r_fancy_list == rs
assert g_fancy_list == gs
assert b_fancy_list == bs
import numpy as np
# Original code with squaring
def square_em():
img = np.arange(30000).reshape(100, 100, 3)
pane_step, center = 20, 10
field_size = 5
rs = []
gs = []
bs = []
for i in range(0, field_size * pane_step, pane_step):
for j in range(0, field_size * pane_step, pane_step):
r, g, b, = img[i + center, center + j, :]
# Doing stuff...?
return rs, gs, bs
# Vectorized squaring
def square_em_vec():
img = np.arange(30000).reshape(100, 100, 3)
pane_step, center = 20, 10
field_size = 5
# Scroll over, tacked on a **2 to the end...
r, g, b = img[center:center+pane_step*field_size:pane_step, center:center+pane_step*field_size:pane_step, :].T ** 2
return r.T, g.T, b.T
我将其放在一个名为test.py的文件中,并将使用IPython REPL进行计时(只是因为方便,您也可以使用cProfile
In [1]: from test import square_em, square_em_vec
In [2]: %timeit square_em()
10000 loops, best of 3: 83.9 µs per loop
In [3]: %timeit square_em_vec()
The slowest run took 5.00 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
10000 loops, best of 3: 32.8 µs per loop
答案 1 :(得分:0)
import numpy as np
d = np.arange(100).reshape((10,10))
center, step = 3
print(d[center::step, center::step])
array([[33, 36, 39],
[63, 66, 69],
[93, 96, 99]])