C ++:使用缓冲区中的数据填充结构

时间:2018-10-22 01:33:49

标签: c++ struct dns buffer


int DugHelp::getPacket() {
    memset(buf, 0, 2000); // clearing the buffer to make sure no "garbage" is there
    if (( n = read(sock, buf, 2000)) < 0 {
    // trying to populate the DNS_Answers struct
    dnsAnswer = (struct DNS_Answer *) & buf;
    . . .


struct DNS_Answer{
    unsigned char name [255];
    struct {
        unsigned short type;
        unsigned short _class;
        unsigned int ttl;
        unsigned in len;
    } types;
    unsigned char data [2000];

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这取决于buf的数据格式。如果格式与DNS_Answer相同。您可以使用memcpy。如果它们的格式相同,则应先align the bytes

#pragma pack (1)
struct DNS_Answer{
    unsigned char name [255];
    struct {
        unsigned short type;
        unsigned short _class;
        unsigned int ttl;
        unsigned in len;
    } types;
    unsigned char data [2000];
#pragma pop(1)


memcpy(dnsAnswer, buf, sizeof(DNS_Answer));


答案 1 :(得分:0)



namespace net {

using byte = unsigned char;

enum class endian
#ifdef _WIN32
    little = 0,
    big    = 1,
    native = little
    little  = __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__,
    big     = __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__,
    native  = __BYTE_ORDER__,

constexpr bool is_little_endian()
    return endian::native == endian::little;

template<typename POD>
byte* write_to_buffer(POD const& pod, byte* pos)
        std::reverse_copy((byte*)&pod, (byte*)& pod + sizeof(pod), pos);
        std::copy((byte*)&pod, (byte*)& pod + sizeof(pod), pos);

    return pos + sizeof(pod);

template<typename POD>
byte const* read_from_buffer(byte const* pos, POD& pod)
        std::copy(pos, pos + sizeof(pod), (byte*)&pod);
        std::reverse_copy(pos, pos + sizeof(pod), (byte*)&pod);

    return pos + sizeof(pod);

} // namespace net


struct DNS_Answer{
    unsigned char name [255];
    struct {
        unsigned short type;
        unsigned short _class;
        unsigned int ttl;
        unsigned int len;
    } types;
    unsigned char data [2000];

net::byte* write_to_buffer(DNS_Answer const& ans, net::byte* buf)
    auto pos = buf;
    pos = net::write_to_buffer(ans.name, pos);
    pos = net::write_to_buffer(ans.types.type, pos);
    pos = net::write_to_buffer(ans.types._class, pos);
    pos = net::write_to_buffer(ans.types.ttl, pos);
    pos = net::write_to_buffer(ans.types.len, pos);
    pos = net::write_to_buffer(ans.data, pos);
    return pos;

net::byte const* read_from_buffer(net::byte const* buf, DNS_Answer& ans)
    auto pos = buf;
    pos = net::read_from_buffer(pos, ans.name);
    pos = net::read_from_buffer(pos, ans.types.type);
    pos = net::read_from_buffer(pos, ans.types._class);
    pos = net::read_from_buffer(pos, ans.types.ttl);
    pos = net::read_from_buffer(pos, ans.types.len);
    pos = net::read_from_buffer(pos, ans.data);

    return pos;

这应该是可移植的,处理不同的字节顺序,并避免潜在的对齐问题。您还可以通过将非Pod类型分解为几份POD并将它们分开发送来进行传输。例如,std::string可以作为std::size_t发送,而其余部分可以作为 char数组发送。