
时间:2018-10-21 01:52:57

标签: python python-3.x


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def d2(f,dx):
    df_dx = []
    for i in range(len(f)-1):
        df_dx.append(f[i+dx] - 2*f[i] + f[i-dx])/(dx*dx)

f = np.sin(np.linspace(0,5,50))
output = d2(f,0.1)
expected = np.cos(np.linspace(0,4.9,49))
diff = abs(output-expected)


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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def d2(f,dx):
    df_dx = []
    for i in range(1, len(f)-1): #start i at 1 so that i-1 is 0 on the first iteration
        df_dx.append((f[i+1] - 2*f[i] + f[i-1])/(dx*dx)) #add parenthesis around expression
    return df_dx

dx = 0.1 
x = np.arange(0, 5+dx, dx) # create an array that has a values spaced by dx
f = np.sin(x) 
output = d2(f,dx)
expected = -np.sin(x[1:-1]) #2nd derivative is missing first and last points from original array
diff = abs(output-expected)
plt.plot(x[1:-1], diff)