- apps/
-- app_web <--- Phoenix app
-- app <--- Ecto app
运行mix edeliver start production
-----> starting production servers
production node:
user : user
host : server-1
path : /home/user/apps/app/app_release
response: ▸ Received 'pang' from app@!
▸ Possible reasons for this include:
▸ - The cookie is mismatched between us and the target node
▸ - We cannot establish a remote connection to the node
▸ Received 'pang' from app@!
▸ Possible reasons for this include:
▸ - The cookie is mismatched between us and the target node
▸ - We cannot establish a remote connection to the node
▸ Given the following expression: Elixir.Edeliver.run_command([:monitor_startup_progress, "app", :compact])
▸ The remote call failed with:
▸ ** (exit) :undef
▸ Edeliver.run_command([:monitor_startup_progress, "app", :compact])
▸ (stdlib) erl_eval.erl:680: :erl_eval.do_apply/6
▸ (elixir) src/elixir.erl:265: :elixir.eval_forms/4
▸ (elixir) lib/code.ex:590: Code.eval_quoted/3
▸ (kernel) rpc.erl:197: anonymous fn/5 in :rpc.handle_call_call/6
此外,尝试获取生产中的迁移状态时出现以下错误:mix edeliver show migrations on production
-----> migrations in production servers
production node:
user : app
host : server-1
path : /home/user/apps/app/app_release
response: ▸ Given the following expression: Elixir.Edeliver.run_command([:list_pending_migrations, "app", ""])
▸ The remote call failed with:
▸ ** (exit) :undef
▸ Edeliver.run_command([:list_pending_migrations, "app", ""])
▸ (stdlib) erl_eval.erl:680: :erl_eval.do_apply/6
▸ (elixir) src/elixir.erl:265: :elixir.eval_forms/4
▸ (elixir) lib/code.ex:590: Code.eval_quoted/3
▸ (kernel) rpc.erl:197: anonymous fn/5 in :rpc.handle_call_call/6